TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 27, 2017

Noam Chomsky: Is It Fair to Worry About Trump Staging a False Flag Terrorist Attack?

By Jan Frel, AlterNet

Chomsky warns of scapegoating vulnerable people: "That can turn out to be very ugly."  READ MORE»

What Good Is Ivanka Trump? The President’s Daughter Is More than Complicit—She’s a Chip Off the Old Block

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Don't hang your hopes on Ivanka.  READ MORE»

'We Are Relearning Democracy': 5 Ways the Anti-Trump Movement Is Energizing Political Action

By Sophia A. McClennen, Salon

Indivisible started over drinks in a bar. It now has at least 2 groups in every congressional district in the U.S. READ MORE»

Kochs Bankroll Movement to Rewrite the Constitution

By Alex Kotch, Exposed by CMD

Austerity advocates claim that they need only to convince five of seven targeted states to get on board. READ MORE»

One Simple Solution to Reduce America's Lethal Overdose Epidemic

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Another type of prescription drug is implicated in thousands of opioid ODs each year. READ MORE»

Bill Maher Makes Us Dumber: How Ignorance, Fear and Stupid Pop-Culture Clichés Shape Americans’ View of the Middle East

By Steven A. Cook , Salon

Americans used to be just ignorant about Muslims and the Middle East. Now we're also fearful, stupid and wrong. READ MORE»

America's Love Affair With Lethal Self-Defense

By Caroline E. Light, Beacon Press

An interest in gun rights has spread to African American, Jewish, LGBTQ, and other minority communities, but there's a deeper legislative and cultural issue to address. READ MORE»

‘Special Snowflake’ My Ass: Why Identity Labels Matter

By Shae Collins, The Establishment

Let’s debunk some myths about identity labels, shall we?  READ MORE»

The US-NATO Invasion of Libya Destroyed the Country Beyond All Recognition

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

Libya is ruled by a patchwork of rival heavily armed gangs that have sown terror in the population. READ MORE»

‘Crazy’: Courageous Documentary about Forced Psychiatric Treatment

By Bruce Levine, AlterNet

One message of “Crazy” is that fear makes all of us crazy READ MORE»

Pro-Israel Group That Claims to Renounce 'Hate' Has Been Quietly Funding Islamophobia Industry

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

The Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago has been channeling hundreds of thousands of dollars into the coffers of anti-Muslim groups. READ MORE»

Why the Climate Crisis Won't Be Solved Without a Massive Increase in Forest Protection

By Danna Smith, AlterNet

Forests are the only systems we have that can suck carbon out of the atmosphere within the timeframe necessary to save humanity.  READ MORE»

REVEALED: Trump Handed German Chancellor Merkel an Invoice for Billions ‘Owed’ to US for NATO

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

A source close to Merkel said the German chancellor “ignored” the invoice. READ MORE»

Selling Dog and Cat Meat Is Still Legal in Most of U.S.—but a Federal Ban Could Soon Be in Place

By Nina Jackel, AlterNet

Forty-four states have no law standing between the family dog and the dinner plate. READ MORE»

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