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1. Which football position is the only player who can grab the ball with their hands?
     A. 中锋 (zhōngfēng)
     B. 前锋 (qiánfēng)
     C. 守门员 (shǒuményuán)
     D. 中卫 (zhōngwèi)
    See Answer
2. Of the three most famous players in the 2016 European Cup, which one is not a "前锋
    (qiánfēng) forward?"
     A. Zlatan Ibrahimović
     B. Paul Pogba
     C. Cristiano Ronaldo
    See Answer
If you are not sure about the answers, please read the following text first and then try again.
Every four years, the world's eyes turn to Europe to follow the most popular sport in the world, "足球 (zúqiú) football," or "soccer" if you live in the US, Canada, South Africa, Australia or New Zealand. This June of 2016 is that time again! It's time to...Read more
2016 European Championship Mascot

Since 1980, each tournament has had a "吉祥物 (jíxiángwù) mascot." A "吉祥物 (jíxiángwù) mascot" is a cartoon character that is an animal, fairy tale character, or human and helps soccer fans get excited, or "pumped" for the games. This year's "吉祥物 (jíxiángwù) mascot" is Super Victor, a boy superhero with a cape.

Of course, Super Victor isn't actually playing soccer this summer. All that kicking is up to the world-famous soccer players, or "footballers."

1. Cristiano Ronaldo is a "前锋 (qiánfēng) forward" for Portugal who is famous as a high-scorer
    who is most likely the most famous player in the world.
2. Paul Pogba ia a "中锋 (zhōngfēng) center" from France who is versatile and makes plays all
    over the field. His nickname is "The Octopus" due to his long legs.

Football Field Diagram

Usually, the "前锋 (qiánfēng) forward," who score goals, get most of the attention from casual soccer fans around the world. However, there are 11 players (per team) at the many positions around the field (pitch) that make the game work.

"前锋 (qiánfēng) forward", or "strikers," move forward to attack the opposing team's goal and score points.
"中卫 (zhōngwèi) centre half back" provides additional defensive support.
"守门员 (shǒuményuán) goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie" is the only player who can grab the ball. The goalie defends the goal.


Zuǒhòuwèi chuánqiú gěi zhōngwèi.
左后卫           传球     给     中卫。
The left back passed the ball to the center back.

Shǒuményuán jiē zhù le qiú.
守门员             接  住 了 球。
The goalie caught the ball.


At last, graduation day has finally arrived, and for students all across the world, the years of hard work have finally reached a culmination. On this day, students will celebrate in many different ways.

1. 毕业晚餐 (Bìyè wǎncān): Graduation Dinner

graduation dinner

As for China, there are several traditions followed by new graduates. First, it is a tradition for the students to attend a "毕业晚餐 (bìyè wǎncān) graduation dinner," or "散伙饭 (sànhuǒ fàn)," Whereas, in the US a dinner with family is the norm, a "散伙饭 (sànhuǒ fàn)" is a dinner reserved for the graduating class, a sort of farewell dinner party.


Jīntiān wǎnshang wǒmen qù chī sànhuǒ fàn.
今天           晚上    我们     去  吃  散伙 饭。
We will go for a farewell dinner tonight.

2. 毕业晚会 (Bìyè wǎnhuì): Graduation Party

graduation party

However, like many other countries, "毕业晚会 (bìyè wǎnhuì)," or "graduation party" is a standard way to celebrate the achievements of the graduating class. In China, the graduation party is...Read more


Wǒ jīntiān wǎnshang yào qù cānjiā bìyè wǎnhuì.
我     今天      晚上       要  去  参加  毕业  晚会。
I am going to the graduation party tonight.

3. 毕业典礼 (Bìyè diǎnlǐ): Graduation Ceremony

Graduation Ceremony

Now its time for the big event! Each high school or university carefully prepares their "毕业典礼 (bìyè diǎnlǐ) graduation ceremony." It's a time to...Read more


Bìyè diǎnlǐ lìng rén shífēn nánwàng.
毕业   典礼   令   人   十分    难忘。
The graduation ceremony is unforgettable.


1. What is the correct way to say "graduation party" in Chinese?
     A. 毕业晚会 (Bìyè wǎnhuì)
     B. 毕业晚餐 (Bìyè wǎncān)
     C. 毕业照 (Bìyè zhào)
     D. 毕业典礼 (Bìyè diánlǐ)
    See Answer


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