EDUwire Daily Update


May 9, 2017

  EDUwire Daily Update
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EduWire Daily Editorial Team
Margot Douaihy - Editorial Director
Phone: (212) 378-0400 x 538
  Today's Top Stories
1. Social-Emotional Learning Is the Rage in K-12. So Why Not in College?
via EdSurge
Whether you believe the purpose of college is to foster intellectual curiosity or simply to land a job after graduation, emotional well-being is a prerequisite to both. Research links learning ability to social and emotional health, which will become increasingly important for workplace success in the coming decades.
Why This Matters: When looking at retention and student success, mental health can be a major factor. How can we leverage technology to promote social-emotional learning and offer students the kinds of support they need?
2. Texas A&M campus dean sees eTextbook program driving completion
via Education Dive
Dr. Tracy Hurley, dean of the College of Business at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, writes for eSchool News that a business school eTextbook program that rolled the costs of digital course materials onto students' financial aid packages has driven an average savings of $1,374 per student and increased the likelihood of completion.
Why This Matters: For students with tight finances, soaring textbook costs can be a barrier to degree completion. Read how an eTextbook initiative helped Texas A&M cut costs and keep students on track.
3. The University of Chicago Re-Engages Alumni Through Online Learning
via DMN
Not every interaction generates an immediate return. Brands often have to engage target audiences multiple times to establish relationships and get them to perform desired actions.
Why This Matters: Online learning doesn’t just have to be targeted to current students. The University of Chicago’s Alumni U program is tapping into the power of online learning to re-engage former students and drive fundraising efforts.

4. Are We In The Data Business? (Inside Higher Ed)
5. 4 Ways Technology Has Contributed to a Top-Ranked Higher Education in Virginia (EdTech Magazine)
6. Ranking: 2017’s best colleges and universities for student ROI (eCampus News)
7. Informing the Mission for Institutions of Higher Learning (Campus Technology)
8. Blackboard announces 'cloud center' with Amazon Web Services provider (EdScoop)
9. L.A. tutoring tech company adds $4 million to revolutionize math learning (BizJournals)
10. Time Inc.’s Fortune Partners with the University of North Carolina to Create Online Business Program (Digital Journal)
  Blog Quote Of The Day
Movement of Canvas LMS to Global Markets
"Remembering that broad trends are most important in this first-view of data, we can see a big jump in 2017 thus far for international markets for Canvas. It will be interesting to update this view at the end of the year to see if the trend holds, but it is quite clear that Instructure is making Canvas a global LMS." —Phil Hill, e-Literate
  Today's Top Tweet
Nice press for a little project that @djhannimal @juliapgoff & I are working on: #chiefinnovationofficer

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