March 2018

Software Development Special Report

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In this special newsletter we bring you up to date on all the new content and news related to Software Development on InfoQ. We are also maintaining a portal page for this content on InfoQ at:
Brian Goetz Speaks to InfoQ on Data Classes for Java (news, Feb 21, 2018)
Highlights for the Upcoming .NET Framework 4.7.2 (news, Feb 20, 2018)
Serverless Security: What's Left to Protect? (articles, Feb 23, 2018)
Managing Data in Microservices (presentations, Feb 22, 2018)
Go Language 1.10 Improves Toolchain and Performance (news, Feb 20, 2018)

Introduction to Graph Databases

Graph Databases are currently gaining a lot of interest, as they can give very powerful data modeling tools that provide a closer fit to how your data works in the real world. This article aims to explore exactly what they are and where they can be a good fit in your application landscape. Learn More.

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Introduction to Graph Databases
Five Things Every Developer Should Know about Software Architecture (articles, Jan 08, 2018)
The Kubernetes Effect (articles, Feb 07, 2018)
What's New in Spring Boot 2.0 (presentations, Jan 26, 2018)
Meltdown and Spectre: What They Are and How to Deal with Them (news, Jan 05, 2018)
Blazor Now an Official Microsoft .NET and WebAssembly Project (news, Feb 12, 2018)

Oracle to End Free Support for Past Java Versions Much Sooner

Oracle's new support roadmap appears to have significantly curtailed the length of time that free updates to each new version of Java will be offered.

An Early Look at Avalonia, a Cross-Platform UI Toolkit for .NET

An often-cited hole in the .NET Core ecosystem is the lack of any true cross-platform UI toolkit. While there have been attempts at a multi-platform in the past such as Silverlight and Xamarin Forms, no one has yet achieved a full XAML-style cross-platform option. Avalonia is making the attempt with plans to support Windows, Linux (GTK), MacOS, Android and iOS. However, they need your help.

Picking SQL or NoSQL? A Compose View

Should I use SQL or NoSQL databases? Underlying it is another question - What's broken in SQL databases that NoSQL databases fixes? Nothing is broken because they are different approaches to creating databases in the same way that assembler and higher level languages are to creating applications. Learn More.

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Picking SQL or NoSQL? A Compose View

A Deeper Dive into Spectre and Meltdown

A deeper look at Spectre/Meltdown characteristics and potential attacks, why it's necessary to patch cloud VMs even though the cloud service providers have already applied patches, the nature of the performance impact and how it’s affecting real world applications, the need for threat modelling, the role of anti virus, how hardware is affected, and what’s likely to change in the long term.

Is REST the New SOAP?

The REST debate was re-ignited a few weeks ago when Pakal de Bonchamp wrote an article complaining about many aspects of the approach and likening it to SOAP. His original article went into a lot of detail and sparked a lot of comments and then WeWork's Phil Sturgeon wrote a response which essentially refuted de Bonchamp's claims. The conversation between the two continues.

restQL, a Microservices Query Language, Released on GitHub

restQL, a query language for microservices, is now available as an open-source project on GitHub. The restQL language is intended to simplify common scenarios for client-side access to RESTful microservices, including multiple parallel calls and chained calls. restQL was created to avoid some limitations of the more well-known data querying and management frameworks Falcor and GraphQL.

Is Batch ETL Dead, and is Apache Kafka the Future of Data Processing?

At QCon San Francisco 2016, Neha Narkhede presented “ETL is Dead; Long Live Streams”, and discussed the changing landscape of enterprise data processing.

Designing, Implementing, and Using Reactive APIs

With reactive programming in its early days, the options available to developers can be overwhelming. In this article, we offer some opinions on how you should design, implement and use reactive APIs.

Building a CI System with Java 9 Modules and Vert.x Microservices

Java 9 and Vert.x microservices are compatible for building applications, as showcased by this example application that implements a minimal, but working CI system.

When Streams Fail: Implementing a Resilient Apache Kafka Cluster at Goldman Sachs

At QCon New York, Anton Gorshkov presented “When Streams Fail: Kafka Off the Shore”. The talk shared insight into how to plan for, and resolve, the inevitable failure that occurs.

JPA 2.2 Brings Some Highly Anticipated Changes

Released this past summer, JPA 2.2 delivered some frequently requested enhancements: better alignment with Java 8 features like the Date and Time API and retrieval of a query result as a Stream.

Simple OAuth With MongoDB & MySQL

Don Omondi, Campus Discounts' founder and CTO, discusses securing applications with OAuth and shows you how to securely store authentication data using MySQL and MongoDB. Learn More.

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Simple OAuth With MongoDB & MySQL

Go Programming Language

Dave Cheney discusses the Go language: writing and interpreting benchmarks, using performance tools built into the Go runtime, GC and writing GC-friendly code.

Servlet vs Reactive: Choosing the Right Stack

Rossen Stoyanchev talks about Servlet vs Reactive, the differences in their execution models and the impact on the programming model.

The Why of Go

Carmen Andoh provides the historical context around the technical decisions of the Go language to better understand its concurrency primitives, garbage collection, and small standard library.

Julia: A Fast Dynamic Language For Technical Computing

Stefan Karpinski and Jeff Bezanson introduce Julia, a Mathlab-like dynamic language with a sophisticated parametric type system supporting multiple dispatch.

Spring Cloud - A Toolbox for Distributed Systems

Oliver Gierke summarizes the problems Spring Cloud tries to solve and introduces the individual modules through practical code examples.

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