Plus, this microgrid can power entire town
Prices for solar power purchase agreements continued their push higher to end 2022 in North America, a sign that an already tight offtake market was again hampered by supply chain constraints and trade disputes.
The conference program will feature in-depth and intimate conversations about interconnection collaboration, fleet electrification, vehicle-to-grid integration, demand response, and more with a focus on the California market.
The fight was over rapid shutdown technology, a safety function for rooftop mounted solar photovoltaic systems.
Totaling nearly 30 MW, the five solar projects are part of California’s Disadvantaged Communities and Community Solar Green Tariff programs.
The companies hope to lower operating costs, improve resiliency, and help achieve sustainability goals by leveraging EV charging and energy storage with AI-drive energy management software.
During its testing phase, Duke Energy’s microgrid was able to pick up the town’s entire load from a black start without any help from the energy grid.
Join us on February 6 in the inaugural GridTECH Connect Forum™ — speakers and attendees from utilities, developers, regulators, grid operators, and more will grapple with DER interconnection challenges facing the California market.
Episode 5 of the Texas Power Podcast is now available wherever you get your podcasts. Give it a listen & download today!
Episode 33 of Factor This! featuring Aaron Halimi, CEO and founder of the California-based community solar developer Renewable Properties, is available now!
The unanimous vote by the Maine Public Utilities Commission on two projects bearing a net cost of $1.8 billion comes after Massachusetts endorsed the proposal, becoming a partner on the 1,000-megawatt project and allowing the costs to be shared by a larger pool of ratepayers.
PTransport Canada has approved Ontario Power Generation Inc. to operate Percepto's drone-in-a-box solution at McConnell Lake Control Dam.
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