Anti-Net Neutrality legislation will never see the light of day.
free press action fund


Yesterday we broke records in our fight to save the internet.

More than 2 million people sent comments to the FCC — nearly tripling our 2014 record for most submitted in a single day. More than 124,000 phone calls were made to Congress. And every corner of the internet was on board, from gamers to bloggers to YouTubers to social-justice advocates to major tech companies.

But we’re just getting started.

Today we launched a powerful new effort with our Battle for the Net partners and some of the key organizers who had worked for the Bernie Sanders campaign to train and mobilize volunteers to take this fight outside Washington. This will give thousands of new volunteers more meaningful ways to engage and lead their own actions and campaigns.

That won’t happen magically — your help is essential. Could you chip in $10 or more to power up our people-to-people network to save Net Neutrality?

Here’s how Team Internet will work: We’ll team up with our allies to broaden our reach and deepen our impact. Together we’ll launch a decentralized volunteer advocacy and organizing team full of people ready to take action at a moment’s notice. We’ll provide volunteers with insider campaign updates, access to leading Net Neutrality organizers, connections to like-minded volunteers, and the training and support to take action where they live. We’ll build an unstoppable team of activists who love the internet.

It will take time and resources to give Net Neutrality activists the tools and information needed to work together and hold the FCC and Congress accountable. That’s why your gift of $10 or more today to help us get started is so crucial.

If we’re successful, anti-Net Neutrality legislation will never see the light of day and any position that harms the open internet will be politically toxic. And most important, we’ll save the internet we love.

Let’s do this—

Carrie, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. The Internet-Wide Day of Action was just a taste of what happens when policymakers and big companies try to mess with the open internet. Your contribution of $10 or more today will help us get bigger, louder and stronger in the crucial weeks ahead. Thank you!

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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