John, have you ever seen the truth in hindsight, and wondered why it took you so long to clue in? I mean, besides bad hair, like mine in 1995!
Back in the day, when TUT only sold inspirational T-shirts, there was a saving grace to our slow progress and dim prospects for success: Mom, Andy, and I met every Tuesday morningfor breakfast, away from our rat-infested warehouse, to share inspired metaphysical readings, visualize booming sales, and pretend we were each already living the life of our dreams.
Without fail, we’d leave those meetings on cloud nine.

It wasn’t always easy. Reality bit fiercely. I wasn’t paid. Andy worked odd jobs. Mom would clock 13-hour shifts. But we kept our Tuesday morning ritual.
By year 3, we were selling our brand from Asia, throughout the Pacific, and to Europe. We’d diversified into other giftware. And had sales over $1,000,000.

Looking back at our story, those Tuesday mornings made all the difference. They gave us hope, reminded us of our “whys,” and were just plain fun(and sometimes funny). Those meetings were the closest I’ve ever come to “Masterminding,” which is now pop vernacular to describe like-minded people supporting each other around a common cause.
Over all the years that have passed, I’ve often wondered how to build upon Notes from the Universe, and now, it’s finally come to me. 

What if I offer a similar jam-session to what Mom, Andy, and I used to do over breakfast?A LIVE weekly video broadcast (10-20 minutes), in which I’ll provide ample doses of inspiration, visualizations, and truth?!

A mastermind membership for conscious creators interested in deliberately loving the life they have as they create the life they want, which will include:

  • Mini-Manifesting Workshops, every Tuesday
  • Weekend Notes from the Universe
  • MikeDooleyRadio, 24/7
  • And more...

John, like this idea? If you join me now, I’ll offer you a lifetime discount on membership(.50 cents a day, $14.95 per month), without raising the price, ever, for as long as you remain a member. 

I promise to give you my heart and soul every week, and if in any month you want out, done. No questions will be asked. No obligation will be required.

My plan for this membership is to make it every bit as meaningful and important to you as the Notes have been. I say give it a shot, and, just maybe, you’ll one day look back and realize this step made all the difference toward your own inevitable successes.

Thoughts become things,
P.S. John, there's power in numbers. Watch this video to learn more. 

P.P.S. The Founding Member price of $14.95, which will never increase for life, is only available thru Tuesday, September 10th.