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South Korean government planning Linux migration as Windows 7 support ends

The Interior Ministry is preparing a test deployment to determine compatibility with existing systems ahead of a potential broader deployment across the government.

Additional TechRepublic resources

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Report: Visual bugs in software can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a year

How to install Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code) on Ubuntu

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IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions: Bringing VMware Environments to the Public Cloud


White Paper: Avoid Cyber Attacks and Save Money by Holding Less Data

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The Elephant in the Room: Why Cloud Communications Providers Dont Like to Talk Abo ut Compliance

(8x8, Inc.)

Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 Free 30-Day License


Featured multimedia

How to choose between Windows, macOS, and Linux (free PDF)

Deciding which platform will best serve your needs starts with determining how you’ll use it, how much you want to spend on it, and which of those factors is most important. From there, you can evaluate each platform’s features, capabilities, and limitations. This ebook offer an in-depth look at the pros, cons, and key considerations to keep in mind.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Prepare for serverless computing

When AWS Lambda launched, it came with an interesting concept: enterprises would buy business functions and the compute, storage and networking tasks would be managed in the background. What returns does serverless computing deliver for the enterprise, and which vendors deliver the best options?

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