April 26, 2017

Have you seen the ad about a "spare change" stock that Jim Pearce says will deliver an $87 million windfall?  Apparently it's a hidden little stock in a micro-industry that no one loves, and he thinks the $4 share price will look like a bargain come May 11 when they tell us how profitable they've become. What's the stock, and what do you think of it?  Just click below to...
3 Letters That Could Save Your Retirement... 

What do retired people need most? Income. But how do you secure an adequate income in today's "no yield world"? Until now, there hasn't been a good answer that didn't mean taking BIG risks with your nest egg. Fortunately retirement expert, Charles Sizemore has uncovered a safe, abundant (and sometimes tax free!) income stream  that goes by three little letters: P.I.F. (aka: Personal Income Funds). To introduce you to PIFs, he's put together a NEW detailed presentation you can see for FREE, right here. 
Michael Robinson's Nova-X Report hasn't been promoted that aggressively in recent months, but a recent "soft" ad from them hinted at several of the stocks Robinson likes right now... which got me to thinking, and the Thinkolator to stewing.   Just click below to...
P.S. We are gradually beginning to rebuild our "reader reviews" section of Stock Gumshoe, in which folks like you can share your experiences with different newsletters to help other readers make better choices.   The most valuable thing we can offer you is the honest opinion of someone else, whether it's me or another reader, but I don't subscribe to all the newsletters and you have probably tried at least one or two of them -- so we'd love to have your honest opinions in return.  

Just locate a newsletter you have tried in our alphabetical listings, like Motley Fool Stock Advisor here, for example, or Bill Spetrino's Dividend Machine here, or Skousen's Forecasts & Strategies here (those are just three examples who've been around a while and have generated reviews from our readers in the past), then click on the stars to indicate your opinion of the various aspects of the newsletter and add whatever comments or details from your experience that you think might be helpful in the comment/text box at the bottom.  We'll keep this fairly quiet as we rebuild the data, but I hope this can grow to once again be a valuable resource for our readers if enough of you are willing to share your experiences.  Thanks!  

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