USACC invites you to an online conference on the role of SMEs in global green transition 

Dear Friends!

We are thrilled to welcome two distinguished speakers to our virtual conference:

Empowering SMEs for Global Climate Action: Innovation, Finance, and Policy Partnerships

July 10, 2024 | 12:00 pm EST/ 9:00 am PT/ 8:00 pm GMT+4

About Speakers:

David De Falco, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia, leads the U.S. Department of Commerce’s efforts to develop trade policy and resolve market access issues for U.S. exporters in Europe. He oversees 32 U.S. Commercial Service offices and a staff of about 250 employees. With 20 years at the Department of Commerce, he has held key roles, including Acting Executive Director for Europe and Eurasia and Director for the Office of the European Union. De Falco holds a law degree from George Mason University and a bachelor’s in economics and finance from Washington and Lee University.

Nigar Arpadarai is the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP29 Azerbaijan and a member of Azerbaijan’s National Assembly, serving on the Committees for International and Interparliamentary Relations, and Family, Women, and Children. With degrees in international law from Baku State University, she has represented Azerbaijan in various international organizations. In her UN role, Ms. Arpadarai will enhance climate action by engaging non-state actors to support climate goals and collaborating with the private sector to promote sustainability in their operations.

To learn more about the conference program, please visit the event webpage by clicking here.


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