Harnessing the power of storytelling, Dutch design studio Vripack returns on the
18th of November 2019 with its celebrated VriThink's Night Out. Taking place in the lively hub of Amsterdam on the eve before the METSTRADE show.

The spirited Pecha-Kucha format will again deliver innovative and forward-thinking presentations. A total of 12 speakers will take to the stage for 5 minutes each. Get to know more about their carefully selected topics by clicking on their images below!

Tom Selten - Lightyear One
Neal Bateman - Cookson adventures
Marnix Hoekstra & Bart Bouwhuis - Vripack
Emma van de Ven - Hyperloop - TU Delft
Lammert de Wit - SuWoTec
Rik Breur - Finsulate
David Turton - Sea Bin Project
Teun de Vries - TEUN
Johannes Schafelner - Zaha Hadid
Paolo Licinio Nazzaro - Superficilab
Jeroen Ingenhuis - One Push
About Vripack
Vripack is a yacht design studio, made strong through its extensive naval architecture and engineering experience. With decades of experience at its disposal and a portfolio that represents over 7,400 designs, Vripack has been able to evolve its processes to be as efficient and as effective as possible.

Vripack’s unique working structure, which provides an holistic approach to the design of a yacht, ensures that we produce better boats in less time. Our involvement in the entire process of designing the safest and most durable yachts ensures that clients and their guests feel at home at sea.


Zwolsmanweg 16
8606 KC Sneek
The Netherlands

+31 (0)515 - 43 66 00



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