It turns out this planet has three suns in its sky; The latest picture of Rosetta’s comet is truly breathtaking; This scientist nearly went to jail for making up data; The hunt for extraterrestrials turns to the ‘dim bulbs of the universe’;
Speaking of Science
Rachel Feltman on Science
It turns out this planet has three suns in its sky
The hot Jupiter may have been pushed close to its sun by two other stars in its system.
The latest picture of Rosetta’s comet is truly breathtaking
The comet, orbiter, and sun are almost perfectly aligned.
This scientist nearly went to jail for making up data
An Australian neuroscientist just pleaded guilty to fraud but received a suspended sentence for his research misconduct.
The hunt for extraterrestrials turns to the ‘dim bulbs of the universe’
Red dwarf stars have certain advantages when searching for alien life.
A second look at the gorilla genome shows just how similar we are
By studying our close cousins, we can learn more about ourselves.
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