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November 28, 2016



Fifty Years Later, Moore's Computing Law Holds

Gordon Moore observed in 1965 that computer processing power doubled every two years, but future structural and political forces may slow this progress. The operation of Moore's Law over the past 50 years has changed the world in enormous ways. It became the core business model of semiconductor and fabrication companies as well as the foundational logic driving long-term strategy for corporations in the microchip and semiconductor business. Read more...


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Geopolitics, Science and Disruptive Tech 

Disruptive technologies can potentially lead to major geopolitical shifts.

What the Great Firewall of China Can't Keep out

Beijing's cybersecurity strategy has as much to do with networks at home as abroad.

The Danger of Ignoring the 'Espionage' in Cyber Espionage

Companies too often forget that cybersecurity threats are not always technical or external in nature.

The Coming Age of Cyberterrorism

Online attacks will cause more panic than destruction.


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