The departing governor was a bully, a creep, and an authoritarian. He was also bad for New York.

August 10, 2021
Good Riddance to Andrew Cuomo
The departing governor was a bully, a creep, and an authoritarian. He was also bad for New York.
by Alex Shephard
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His resignation proves that you can’t do what he did as a Democrat and expect to survive. This is a good thing.
by Michael Tomasky
The governor of New York resigned as his lawyer, Rita Glavin, stood in defense. A shield of women enforcers, it turns out, was his strategy until the very end.
by Clio Chang

Why did it take so long for the New York governor’s bad behavior to catch up with him?

by The Politics of Everything

In 2017, would-be Cassandras warned about witch hunts and ruined careers. In 168 pages, New York Attorney General Letitia James captured a sexist American work culture that is as poisonous as ever.

by Esther Wang


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