Mark Your Calendars! Hi, Jeff Tompkins here… I know you’re busy, so let me get straight to the point. To help you start the New Year strong, this Thursday, January 23rd @ 7:00 PM E.T., I’m hosting an exclusive complementary trading workshop for our loyal readers where I'll reveal my most closely guarded trading secrets. I created this workshop for one simple reason… In 2024, my VIP Inner Circle members have been rewarded with 231 winning trade recommendations. That’s an average of 19 wins PER MONTH last year. And while most individual investors have been running for the hills because of uncertain markets – our readers have been getting the chance to make a fortune despite the volatility. Now, I'm ready to reveal how I've accomplished such an amazing feat! So, if you’re ready to see how to unleash the full power of ALL my successful trading strategies, courses, and trading indicators… Then you need to claim your seat to my complementary workshop. You’ll instantly have VIP access to me and all my trading services… the best stocks of 2025… and my most closely guarded secrets. However, an opportunity this good can’t last very long. We’re only accepting 100 attendees at this event. After that, I can’t guarantee you’ll ever see this opportunity again. Click here and you’ll discover exactly how these amazing profit opportunities are being generated. But you must hurry. Once it’s full, that’s it. Secure your seat here. I'll see you this Thursday, January 23rd @ 7:00 PM E.T. To Your Success, | | Jeff Tompkins Chief Investment StrategistAltos Trading, LLC |