QCon Special Report
QCon NY New York 2017 Special Report


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The sixth annual QCon New York was the biggest yet, bringing together over 1,100 team leads, architects, project managers, and engineering directors - up from last year's record of 940. It was also the first to take place in our new home in Times Square.

During his opening keynote Site Reliability Manager at Google, Matt Sakaguchi presented research from Google on creating effective teams. On day 2, Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder @CrowdStrike who uncovered the 2016 DNC Hack talked about "lessons learned from fighting nation states in cyber space," and on day 3, Cathy Polinsky, CTO & head of engineering and product at StitchFix, talked about building a company on data.

In total, over 130 practitioner-speakers presented 80 full-length technical sessions, 75 talks, and 17 in-depth tutorials, three keynotes, and 12 open spaces over the course of five days, providing deep insights into real-world architectures and state of the art software development practices from a practitioner's perspective.

Videos of most presentations were available to attendees within 24 hours of them being filmed, and we have already begun to publish them on the InfoQ site. You can view the publishing schedule on the QCon New York website.

InfoQ also reported from the event, and recorded podcasts with a number of speakers. This article, however, presents a summary of QCon New York as blogged and tweeted by attendees.

The editorial team covers these sorts of topics on a regular basis. You can subscribe to our newsletter to stay ahead of the innovation hype and join a community of over 260,000 senior developers worldwide. If you are interested in a deep-dive you can also try our minibooks and eMags. In one of our latest eMags we curated some of the best serverless content into a single asset: "Serverless Computing".

Table of Contents

   * Data as DNA: Building a Company on Data
   * Lessons Learned from Fighting Nation States in Cyber Space
   * What Google Learned about Creating Effective Teams

Tracks and Talks

Architectures You've Always Wondered About
   * IoT and Edge Compute at Chick-Fil-A
   * Scaling Event Sourcing for Netflix Downloads
   * Unifying Banks & Blockchains @Coinbase

Chaos & Resilience
   * Choose Your Own Adventure: Chaos Engineering
   * State of Chaos Engineering

Developer Experience: Level up Your Engineering Effectiveness
   * Production-Designing for Testability
   * Reasoning about Complex Distributed Systems
   * Removing Friction in the Developer Experience
   * Spotify Lessons: Learning to Let Go of Machines
   * Zero to Production-Ready in Minutes

High Velocity Dev Teams
   * Development Metrics You Should Use But Don't
   * Machine Learning: from Theory to Practice
   * More Reliable Delivery with Monte Carlo & Mapping
   * Refactoring Organizations - a Netflix Study
   * What Does Speed Mean in Software Product Delivery?

Immutable Infrastructures: Orchestration, Serverless, and More
   * A Series of Unfortunate Container Events @Netflix
   * Managing Millions of Data Services @Heroku
   * Serverless Platform: Scientific Computation @scale

Innovations in Fintech
   * Digital Assets: 7 Lessons in Securing What's Next
   * Java @speed: Get the Most out of Modern Hardware

Java - Propelling the Ecosystem Forward
   * Fearless AWS Lambdas
   * Migrating Speedment to Java 9
   * The Java Evolution of Eclipse Collections

Microservices: Patterns & Practices
   * Managing Data in Microservices
   * Take Two: Evolving Microservice Architectures
   * The Paved PaaS to Microservices at Netflix

Modern CS in the Real World
   * Homoiconicity: It Is What It Is

Next Gen APIs: Designs, Protocols, and Evolution
   * Beyond REST: Coursera's Journey to GraphQL

Optimizing Yourself
   * Deep Listening: Creating Conversational Agility
   * Getting Old(Er) in Tech: Staying Relevant
   * Practical Empathy: Unlock the Super Power
   * The Effective Remote Developer
   * The Marriage of Communication and Code

Stream Processing at Large
   * Adopting Stream Processing for Instrumentation
   * Ask Me Anything (AMA)

   * Zen of Architecture

Community Night
   * Papers We Love

Opinions about QCon



QCons are produced by InfoQ.com. Our focus on practitioner-driven content is reflected in the fact that the program committee that selects the talks and speakers is itself comprised of technical practitioners from the software development community.

We will next be in Shanghai, Oct 19 - 21 and then San Francisco Nov 13 - 17 this year. QCon New York will return around June of 2018.

Visit http://qconferences.com/ to see a complete list of our upcoming events.

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