Conferences often have a theme that emerges during their course that none of us had predicted. One year at QCon London it was, bizarrely, cat pictures; every presentation you went to had a cat picture in it. Another year, as the microservices movement was just getting going, it seemed that we had mandated a Conway’s law slide in every presentation - we hadn't of course, but there certainly were plenty of them.

This year, at the seventh annual QCon New York, our second year in Time Square, it felt like it was diversity and inclusion. The event had a particularly positive atmosphere that made for something truly special, and we got a huge amount of positive feedback from attendees and speakers about it, both during the event and afterwards. This is something the QCon team has worked on for several years, and it felt wonderful to see that work starting to pay dividends.

From a content perspective, attendees at the event got to see keynotes from Guy Podjarny co-founder of Snyk, talking about "Developers as a Malware Vehicle", Joshua Bloch giving a "Brief, Opinionated History of the API", and Tanya Reilly, Principal Engineer of Squarespace, giving a thoroughly interesting and unusual talk about the history of fire escapes in New York City and what we as software engineers can learn from them.

In total we had 143 speakers across the 117 sessions, workshops, AMAs, Open Spaces and mini-workshops. Topics included containers and orchestration, machine learning, ethics, modern user interfaces, microservices, blockchain, empowered teams, modern Java, DevEX, Serverless, chaos and resilience, Go, Rust, Elixir, and security.

QCon New York Key Takeaways

This article presents a summary of QCon New York as blogged and tweeted by attendees.


Tracks & Talks

Architectures You've Always Wondered About

  • Canopy: Scalable Distributed Tracing & Analysis @Facebook
  • Lyft's Envoy: Embracing a Service Mesh
  • Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Devices @Netflix

Chaos, Complexity, and Resilience

  • UNBREAKABLE: Learning to Bend but Not Break at Netflix
  • Using Chaos To Build Resilient Systems

Container and Orchestration Platforms in Action

  • Control Planes: Designing Infrastructure for Rapid Iteration
  • Forced Evolution: Shopify's Journey to Kubernetes

Developer Experience: Level up Your Engineering Effectiveness

  • Help! I Accidentally Distributed My System!
  • Succession: A Refactoring Story

Empowered Teams

  • Empowering Agile Self-organized Teams with Design Thinking

Ethics in Computing

  • Data, GDPR & Privacy: Doing It "Right" Without Losing It All
  • Ethics in Computing, From Academia to Industry
  • Organizing for Your Ethical Principles
  • Privacy Ethics – A Big Data Problem

Finding the Serverless Sweetspot

  • Observability to Better Serverless Apps
  • Serverless Patterns and Anti-Patterns

Microservices: Patterns & Practices

  • Complex Event Flows in Distributed Systems
  • Debugging Microservices: How Google SREs Resolve Outages
  • Designing Events-first Microservices
  • Design Microservice Architectures the Right Way
  • No Microservice Is an Island

Modern Java Reloaded

  • Effective Java, Third Edition - Keepin' it Effective
  • Invest in Your Java Katalogue

Modern User Interfaces: Screens and Beyond

  • Rethinking HCI With Neural Interfaces @CTRLlabsco
  • Smart Speakers: Designing for the Human

Real World Security

  • Making Security Usable: Product Engineer Perspective

Ask Me Anything and Open Space

  • AMA w/ Joshua Bloch
  • Mob Programming Mini Workshop

Opinions about QCon


QCons are produced by Our focus on practitioner-driven content is reflected in the fact that the program committee that selects the talks and speakers is itself comprised of technical practitioners from the software development community. Our next English QCon is in San Francisco November 5-9.

QCon New York 2018 Publishing Schedule

Check out full videos on

Videos of most presentations were available to attendees within 24 hours of them being filmed, and we have already begun to publish them on the InfoQ site. You can view the publishing schedule on the QCon New York website. There are also numerous QCon photos on our Facebook page.

Week of August 6

Forced Evolution: Shopify's Journey to Kubernetes

Niko Kurtti

Developers as a Malware Distribution Vehicle

Guy Podjarny

A Brief, Opinionated History of the API

Joshua Bloch

The History of Fire Escapes

Tanya Reilly

Lyft's Envoy: Embracing a Service Mesh

Matt Klein

Week of August 13

Canopy: Scalable Distributed Tracing & Analysis @ Facebook

Haozhe Gao & Joe O'Neill

Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Devices @Netflix

Susheel Aroskar

Closer to the Wire: Real-time News Alerting @Bloomberg

Katerina Domenikou

Skype's Journey From P2P: It's Not Just About the Services

Bruce Lowekamp

Large Scale Architectures Panel

Karen Casella, Matt Klein, Bruce Lowekamp, Haozhe Gao, Joe O’Neill, Susheel Aroskar & Katerina Domenikou

To get notified when videos are available, please follow QCon New York 2018 on InfoQ


Next QCon

QCon SF 2018

Join us at QCon San Francisco
November 5 - 9, 2018

The 12th QCon San Francisco is a 3-day conference + 2 workshop days with over 140 talks in many different tracks and topics, that allows developers to discover what they don’t know ... but should know in software development. Architectures from Netflix, Google, Facebook, Twitter; Applied AI & Machine Learning; Data Engineering for the Modern Age; Containers; Practices of DevOps & Lean Thinking; Javascript & Web Tech are just some of the tracks for this year’s conference.

Early bird pricing ends Aug 17th!
Save $730 when you use “INFOQ100”!


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Silver Sponsors


Ballerina is a cloud native programming language and integration platform that makes it easy to create resilient services which integrate and orchestrate transactions across distributed endpoints.


JFrog’s mission is to transform the way enterprises manage and release software updates with the world’s first universal artifact management platform, JFrog Artifactory.


GoCD is an on-premise, open source, continuous delivery tool to help you get better visibility into and control of your teams’ deployments.


As the creator of the world’s first Engagement Database, Couchbase is revolutionizing digital innovation that enables businesses to deliver ever-richer and personalized customer experiences.

OverOps increases developer productivity and accelerates delivery of reliable software by being present when an application breaks, collecting a snapshot of the complete state at the point of execution.


Pivotal transforms how the world builds software. Pivotal combines the Silicon Valley state of mind, modern approach, and infrastructure with organizations’ core expertise and values.


At Capital One, we dare to dream, disrupt and deliver a better way. Our goal is simple – bring ingenuity, simplicity, and humanity to an industry ripe for change. Founder-led, Capital One is on a mission to help people live their best lives and build one of America’s leading information-based technology companies.


Neo4j – the world’s leading Graph Database. Adopted by thousands of businesses across the globe. Connect Your Data. Transform Your Business.


SAP helps companies of all sizes and industries run better, operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably. For more information, visit


Open source workflow automation and platform, Camunda provides detailed visibility into business operations across distributed systems.


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Bronze Sponsors


Hazelcast is the leading open source in-memory data grid with tens of thousands of installed clusters and over 39 million server starts per month.


Parasoft helps organizations deliver defect-free software efficiently by integrating Development Testing, API Testing, and Service Virtualization.


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Squarespace makes beautiful products to help people with creative ideas succeed.


Instana is the leader in Application Performance Management for containerized microservice applications.


Atomist is the software delivery machine for modern software teams who want visibility and control of every aspect of their craft.


LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform. Dev and Ops teams use our platform to separate code deployments from feature releases, and eliminate risk from their development cycles.


Build more. Ship more. OutSystems is a faster way to create web and cross-platform mobile software. Start your low-code journey.


Rookout’s rapid production debugging solution lets you collect and pipeline data on-demand from your live code, without writing more code, re-deploying or restarting your app.


Increase resilience with Gremlin’s proactive failure testing tool that helps you identity weaknesses in your system before they become outages.


Datadog is a SaaS-based monitoring and analytics platform for large-scale applications and infrastructure.


At Goldman Sachs, our Engineering teams build solutions to some of the most complex problems in the industry. From automated trading to managing data, risk analysis to safeguarding information and promoting environmental responsibility, our commitment to best-in-class technology provides Goldman Sachs with a competitive advantage.