QCon Special Report
QConSF San Francisco 2016 Special Report


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This newsletter contains the table of contents for all the useful blog/tweet coverage of QCon San Francisco organized by session title. The full article has been posted on InfoQ.

Early in November around 1,500 attendees descended on the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco for the tenth annual QCon in the city and the biggest QCon we've held in the US.

QCon SF attendees - software engineers, architects, and project managers from a wide range of industries including some prominent Bay-area companies - attended 92 technical sessions across 18 concurrent tracks, 32 in-depth workshops, facilitated open spaces and, as at all English language QCons, had near instant access to all filmed presentations from the event on InfoQ.

The first day saw a keynote from Amber Case, Fellow at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center and writer of "An Illustrated Dictionary of Cyborg Anthropology", talking about "The History and Future of Wearable Computing and Virtual Experience". Michael Lopp, VP of Engineering @Slack, opened day 2 and Neha Narkhede, Co-Creator Apache Kafka and Co-founder and CTO at Confluent, gave a talk called "ETL Is Dead, Long-live Streams " on day 3.

Note: The video schedule for QCon San Francisco has also been posted. Over the course of the next 4 months, InfoQ will be publishing most of the conference sessions online. The publishing schedule can be found on the QCon SF web site, and on Facebook you can see numerous photos from QCon.

InfoQ also reported from the event, and recorded podcasts with a number of speakers. The editorial team covers these sorts of topics on a regular basis. You can subscribe to our newsletter to stay ahead of the innovation hype and join a community of over 250,000 senior developers worldwide. If you are interested in a deep-dive you can also try our minibooks and eMags. One of our latest emags is specifically tailored to bring an overview of research paper for software architects: "The Morning Paper Quarterly Review".

Table of Contents

   * ETL Is Dead; Long-live Streams
   * The History and Future of Wearable Computing and Virtual Experience
   * The Second Act

Tracks and Talks

Architectures You've Always Wondered About
   * How Slack Works
   * Scaling Dropbox
   * Scaling Instagram Infrastructure

Culture as a Differentiator
   * Enabling Awesome Engineering Teams
   * Further Together: Curated Pairing Culture @Pivotal
   * Next Gen Startup Cultures: Innovating as You Grow
   * Preventing Office Politics @Facebook
   * What Google Learned About Creating Effective Teams

Distributed Systems War Stories
   * Stranger Things: The Forces That Disrupt Netflix

Evolving DevOps
   * 99.99% Availability Via Smart Real-time Alerting
   * Incident Management at the Edge

Java: Are You Ready for This?
   * Java (SE) State of the Union

Modern CS in the Real World
   * Applying Failure Testing Research @Netflix

Next Generation Microservices
   * Serverless Meets SaaS: The Ultimate Match
   * Keep Calm and Carry On: Scaling Your Org
   * What Comes After Microservices?

Next Generation Web Standards, Frameworks, and Techniques
   * Building Robust Web Applications with RxJS
   * The Past, Present, and Future of JavaScript
   * The Strengths of Ember, Angular & React Explored
   * Webpack: The One Build Step to Rule Them All

Optimize You
   * Is Managing Men & Women Really That Different?
   * Maximizing Human Potential
   * The Art (and Science) of Compelling People
   * The Improviser's Code: Engineering Your Best Self

   * Modern Web Security, Lazy but Mindful like a Fox
   * The Psychology of Security Automation

Software Engineering Softskills
   * Build to Learn: Rapid Prototyping Methods
   * Burnout
   * Social Coding for Effective Teams and Products

UX Reimagined
   * Designing Calm Technology
   * Design Guidelines for Conversational Interfaces
   * Intuition Engineering

Twitter Tech Day
   * Building Twitter's Next-gen Alerting System
   * How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Fan-in
   * Scaling Reliability: So You Want to Add a 9

Opinions about QCon



InfoQ produces QCons in 7 cities around the globe. Our focus on practitioner-driven content is reflected in the fact that the program committee that selects the talks and speakers is itself comprised of technical practitioners from the software development community. Our next QCon will be in London March 6-10, 2017. We will retun to San Fransico November 13-17 2017.

Presentations and interviews from the event will be posted on InfoQ over the coming months. QCon SF 2016 was produced by InfoQ.com.
Other upcoming QCons include:

  • QCon London March 6-10, 2017. This will be our 11th QCon in the city.
  • QCon Beijing April 16-18, 2017.
  • QCon São Paulo April 24-26, 2017.
Visit http://qconferences.com/ to see a complete list of our upcoming events.

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