Hi Everyone,
Today, I am excited to share some massive global adoption news!
After two days of back-and-forth rumors about the subject, it has now been confirmed that another nation-state has adopted bitcoin as legal tender.
Bitcoin was officially made legal tender earlier today in the Central African Republic, an impoverished landlocked nation in Africa with just over 4.6 million inhabitants.
As reported by Agence France-Presse, President Faustin Archange Touadera approved the measure, signing it into law, according to Obed Namsio, his chief of staff.
The republic "is the first country in Africa to adopt bitcoin as legal tender," Namsio added. "This move places the Central African Republic on the map of the world's boldest and most visionary countries."
Forbes Monaco reported on this matter on April 23, but there was some back and forth as to what actually happened.
I think this may have been because the original article providing local coverage of the proposed measure's progress was written in French, and very little is known about the African nation's government structure.
When Forbes Monaco covered this matter on April 23, The National Assembly had approved the bill, but the nation's president had not yet signed it into law.
Let's cover some key facts about this story. First of all, here is a map showing the country's place in Africa.