Network Computing
December 10, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Special Report: Privacy in the Data-Driven Enterprise
An entire week of coverage devoted to the question: How do we give privacy back to the people when customer data is now the coin of the realm and the fuel that powers business?

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Data Privacy and Protection in the Age of Cloud
With more data on more cloud platforms being subject to increasingly stringent regulations, traditional approaches to protecting data fall short.
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Emerging Wireless Power at-a-Distance Movement Promises Users Big Benefits
The plan is to cut wiring, maintenance, and management costs for in-building and wider area power – an effort that has drawn interest and funding from enterprises, government agencies, and branches of the military.
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Keep An Eye on Digital Experience When Transforming Network Security
By focusing on digital experience and understanding the source of any impacts to users, organizations can deliver both secure and performant access to the applications that enable their productivity.
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The Case for Hybrid Networks: Wired + Wireless
Do we foresee a world where one day all IT will be wireless – or will ethernet continue to coexist with it? Read More
So You Want to Be a Network Administrator
Thick skin required. Any application or service performance problem incurred will inevitably lead a network administrator having to prove that it’s not a network problem. Read More
In IT, Good Fences Don’t Make Good Neighbors
To remain agile – not to mention secure, audit-ready, and compliant – IT needs to re-tool how they manage today's new technology environment. This is where Enterprise Technology Management (ETM) comes in. Read More
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