"Keep the words, thoughts and observations coming.We all need to keep smiling. Every day."
 "I have been reading the WA every morning for well over a decade and every day it delivers to us poetry and ideas worthy of carrying into our day."
Lisa S.
 "Thank you. I stumbled across this site quite by accident just as I met you once in Avoca, IA. Only then, I didn't know who you were. I have enjoyed hearing you for 40 years now."
Diane L.

Giving Thanks for Poetry

 Dear friends,
When we began producing The Writer’s Almanac on January 1, 1993, we did not know how long the program would last, or how beloved it would become. Now, 28 years later, we are still producing the show in podcast, email, and social media form, and we are continually grateful for your immense help in keeping this daily program running.
You may be asking, “How much can a poetry podcast cost, anyways?” In the spirit of transparency, below are our costs for the year of 2021:

Staff – Research and logistics:            $20,000
Audio Engineer:                                   $30,000
Payments to Poets and Publishers:    $25,000
Recording studio fees:                          $5,000
New poetry books:                                $1,000
Email distribution service:                    $12,000
                                      TOTAL:          $93,000

From labor costs to permissions fees to email distribution, it all adds up. We keep going because we truly believe in our mission to make poetry accessible to all, both in terms of choosing poetry that is poignant yet comprehensible upon first listen, and in making our daily content free to access.
Your generous donations from this past spring have taken us this far, and now we are hoping to raise enough money to keep producing The Writer’s Almanac until next May.
We humbly turn to you, our valued listeners, for your continued support. Please choose the option and the amount that works best for you this giving season:


  • Donate via PayPal (please log into your account before clicking this link)
  • “Buy” a donation in our store
  • Send a check made out to:                     Prairie Home Productions                                                                                       P.O. Box 490610                                                                                           Blaine, MN 55449
Yours in poetry,
The staff of The Writer’s Almanac

"My lights just went out and what a comfort that I could turn on Garrison. His thoughts keep me quiet and thoughtful. I'll light a candle, one made out of beeswax with that cotton wick. I have a gas stove and I think I'll make some popcorn and listen to the Autumn wind. Bless you all."
Suann G.
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