Alex Jones Here With A Special Saturday Broadcast -- Tune In For More Disturbing Developments in the COVID Crisis & Ukraine!

On today's LIVE SATURDAY SHOW, I'm joined by Jacob Chansley, aka the "Q Shaman", to discuss the latest developments in the Deep State witch hunt against Trump supporters as they hit the former president with more indictments. Also, former Army intel officer Scott Bennett joins the show to break down the latest escalation in Ukraine and NATO's conflict with Russia. Meanwhile, Pfizer executives admitted receiving special batches of the COVID vaccine while distributing the poison injection to the rest of the population. Tune in!

Watch & share today's show HERE and be sure to tune into Monday-Friday from 11AM-3PM Central and Sunday 4-6 PM Central to watch the most banned broadcast in the world with breaking news and commentary exclusively from me and other great Infowars hosts and guests!

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