You may know of the Jewish Labor Committee. For generations, readers—and staff—of The Forward have been members.


But just in case you don't know who we are, a brief description. The JLC is an independent secular nonprofit organization, the voice of the Jewish community in the labor movement and the voice of the labor movement in the Jewish community. We speak out, educate, and take action -- whether it's about the current upsurge in antisemitism, unsafe working conditions, union-busting, voter suppression, or the new challenges that await us down the road -- on behalf of our shared commitment to social and economic justice.

Like you, the Jewish Labor Committee is gearing up to face some tough times ahead -- tough for the Jewish community, for the labor movement, and for everyone who is committed to the core values we cherish as a community, and as Americans. We'll be out there on the front lines, as we have been since the 1930s, fighting for workers rights and human rights, and organizing against antisemitism, bigotry, exploitation, and threats to our democracy.

We need to be working together now more than ever. You can learn more about us, by checking out our web site at www.jewishlabor.org or you can drop a note to our Executive Director Arieh Lebowitz, arieh@jewishlabor.org. And to join the JLC, just go here.

And here's an invitation to our annual, virtual, Human Rights Virtual Awards Gala.

I'm excited to invite you to join us, virtually, for the Jewish Labor Committee's Annual Human Rights Awards Gala on Thursday, December 12th, 2024. This year, we are proud to honor Gabrielle Carteris, President of the International Federation of Actors (FIA), Claude Cummings, President of the Communications Workers of America, and Marty Walsh, Executive Vice President of the National Hockey League Players Association.

RSVP today by clicking here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/jlc2024gala.

For more information, please contact Elise Convy Madison at rsvp@jewishlabor.org.

In a year marked by significant challenges, this event will be a powerful moment of strength, and solidarity. We look forward to coming together with you on December 12th!

Stuart Appelbaum
Jewish Labor Committee

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