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Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Sprii creditors warned they may face long wait to get their money back

Dubai-based lawyer says liquidation of online shopping platform may be a long process with no...
How some Dubai villa prices are back on the rise after years of decline
ValuStrat says Arabian Ranches, The Lakes, Palm Jumeirah and Jumeirah Islands register rare...
Subdued demand halts coronavirus rebound for UAE businesses
IHS Markit says non-oil private sector activity in the UAE worsened in November

'Massive spike' in interest ahead of Israel's Arabian Travel Market debut

Organisers of ATM say they are expecting a huge influx of exhibitors and visitors from Israel at...
Bahrain's Investcorp agrees to sell cybersecurity firm Avira for $360m
Deal to sell to NortonLifeLock is expected to close in the first quarter of 2021
Abu Dhabi wealth fund targets Africa, green energy to drive greater returns
Senior exec at Abu Dhabi Investment Authority says African countries offer greatest potential for...

Coronavirus vaccine trial volunteers sought in Abu Dhabi

Vaccine has been developed by the Gamaleya National Research Institute of Epidemiology and...

Video: Five ways not to feel like a fraud at work

Dr. Rose Logan, D.Clin.Psy, Clinical Psychologist with The LightHouse Arabia discusses how to...
Video: Business sectors with the most chance of success
These business sectors have the most chance of success at the moment and should be able to...
Video: Skills UAE employers are looking for
Looking to land a job in the UAE? Here are the skills employers are looking for in a time of...
Editor's Choice

Emirates chief backs A380 'for next decade' despite blow to long haul travel

Sir Tim Clark says superjumbo will remain the airline's flagship aircraft despite threat from...
Dubai e-commerce platform Sprii appoints liquidators after failing to find buyer
In a letter to suppliers, CEO Sarah Jones says the move comes after a failure to raise further...
First UAE nuclear power plant hits full power, to start commercial ops in early 2021
Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation announces milestone as Unit 1 becomes the largest single...

Brainstorming: How to do it better (if you have to do it at all)

The notion that great ideas can be sparked by locking smart, creative people in a boardroom with...
Imposter Syndrome: Five ways not to feel like a fraud at work
Dr. Rose Logan, D.Clin.Psy, Clinical Psychologist with The LightHouse Arabia discusses how to...
Dubai's ability to bounce back from a crisis is again clear for all to see
Can anywhere else in the world compete with Dubai on all these levels at the moment?
Featured Analysis

How a former Googler is targeting one million Gulf users with learning app

According to Scoodle's CEO, Ismail Jeilani, the global coronavirus pandemic doubled the app's...
Rethinking Arabian Healthcare, how regulators can unlock the future
In part three of our Rethinking Arabian Business Healthcare webinar series, we explore Healthcare...
How Joe Biden might work with Saudi Arabia on regional issues
President of the Arab Gulf States Institute of Washington believes that the Biden team will...
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