Question of the Day |
Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor): | |
SQL Server Collation | |
Where can I set the collation for data in a SQL Server 2019 database? | |
Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right. |
Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor) |
Azure Storage Policies I want to set a policy for a container in Azure Storage where I am storing some data import files. I want to use a Shared Access Signature (SAS). What types of limits can I set for the Access Policy? Answer: Start/End Times and Access rights (read/write/add/delete) Explanation: You can set a shared access signature on Azure Storage resources that determine: what permissions (read/write/delete/add) when (start/end time)You can then apply this policy to a resource. Ref: Grant limited access to Azure Storage resources using shared access signatures (SAS) - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-sas-overview Understanding Shared Access Signature and Access Policy in Azure Storage - https://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/understanding-shared-access-signature-and-access-policy-in-azure-storage |
Database Pros Who Need Your Help |
Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums. |
SQL Server 2016 - Administration |
Creating index for a very huge table - Hello, I would want to get some opinion on creating indexes on a very large table. My developer recently execute an index creation job and the job run for more than 30hrs until it ran out of transaction log space thus got terminated. I check the size of the intended table and it's super huge! […] |
what minimum permission i should give to new login , new user and new schema. - Hi, I have made a new login, new user (as I have associated my database to login) and new schema. I need to know what minimum permission I should give to my new login, new user and new schema, so that the person should be able to create tables drop table and perform crud operations […] |
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL |
Importing XML into SQL Tables using SSIS package - Hi everyone, I have a XML file which consists of data like this: 1001 BenHouse no 280NYUSstreet 100CaliforniaUS I have designed ssis package and Now I am able to move Individual data to Individual table. And Address data […] |
Administration - SQL Server 2014 |
Unable to drop a user - I have a user 'Dev_User' in a new dev server which I am trying to drop and recreate. I generated a script using sp_help_revlogin proc from a an old dev server since SID doesn't match even though the password matches. This user has admin rights on the server and there are some applications which connect […] |
Strange Write Statistics - Hi Experts, I ran the below query and for a table I am getting very high writes and its increasing every second. The table here is a master table which is having only 17 records? TableName Reads Writes Supplier 13 13460167 SELECT TableName = object_name(s.object_id), Reads = SUM(user_seeks + user_scans + user_lookups), Writes = […] |
Development - SQL Server 2014 |
How to get creole language - I need to update a report to show the month name in the specific language - creole. I use the function below which uses sys.syslanguages table. I need the month names for creole now but this table does not have Creole. Is it safe to update this system table and Creole? Any ideas? Thank you. […] |
Looking for odbc connect parameters in msdb-database - hello, I want to monitor the odbc connections. In table sys.dm_exec_sessions I find all actually opened ODBC-Connections. But where I find the parameters of the ODBC-Connect-string? For example: An Access-Applications connects with the following parameters: "ODBC; Driver=SQL SERVER; Server= BlaBla; Database=ABC; UserID=Hans; Trusted_Connection=yes; Description=Wertet Summen aus; APP=Test.accdb" I am looking for this parameters. Have anyone […] |
Select @XML.nodes with Name spaces Help Please error msg 2209 XQuery nodes - Hi All, I have spent a few hours after revisiting this serval times and have never come up with a working solution for Nodes which contain a space in name. the node I want is called Item param error Msg 2209, Level 16, State 1, Line 18 XQuery [nodes()]: Syntax error near 'Item' This […] |
SQL Server 2019 - Administration |
TLS 1.2 - OK, I have been doing a lot of research, and I am continuing that research, into some issues we are having with out SQL Servers since the implementation of TLS 1.2. We are under the gun to get all of these issues resolved very quickly. As I have been researching, I have found that all […] |
Working with field specifications - I was reading the book: "Database Design: For Mere Mortals" by Michael J.Hernandez. In it, he goes in to detail on field specifications. He writes: "Field specifications constitute the “data dictionary” of the database. Each field specification stores data on the characteristics of a particular field within the database." Here is an example of one […] |
restore a specific table from a Full backup using Quest Litespeed - Hi, Is it possible to restore a specific table from a Full backup using Quest Litespeed without restoring the entire database? will it restore the tables with same schema without missing any keys and data.? will it overrides the table ? Any suggestions please. Thanks. |
Read Only Routing Problem - Good morning All, I have a set up that consists of 3 servers (Srv1, Srv2 and Srv3) In this exmaple Srv1 is the pricinple. Read only routing is configured such that it should connec to Srv2, Srv3 and if they fail then back to the princple Srv1 The Read only Routing list looks like (Srv2, […] |
Clarification on the database design process - I was reading the book: "Database Design: For Mere Mortals" by Michael J.Hernandez. In it, he goes into detail on the database design process. There is a section where he summarises it as best as he could: "Next we looked at an overview of the entire database design process. The process was consolidated into the […] |
SQL Server 2019 - Development |
Stats histogram comparison with data in table (Windows function) - Hi, I'm comparing the stats histogram with the actual data distribution from a table (for this example Person.LastName on AdventureWorks) like so: ;with e as ( select lastname, count(*) norows, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by (select 1)) rn from person.person group by lastname having count(*) >=1 ) select e.lastname , e.norows , e.rn , h.step_number step […] |
General |
Hey, I am trying to learning SQL on my own and I am stuck in an error. - I am trying to find a average from a column but all I am getting is an Unrecognised name error msg. This is the query. Select End_time - Start_time as time_duration, Avg(time_duration) as avg_time From table I am getting an error " Unrecognized name : time_duration" Where should i establish the column "time_duration" to perform […] |
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