Question of the Day |
Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor): | |
Getting the Hex values | |
I am looking to convert for decimal based integer values to hexadecimal in Python for a new application. What is the best way to do this? | |
Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right. |
Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Xedni) |
PARSENAME and Input Length What will this result in? declare @long_obj nvarchar(768) = replicate('a', 128) + '.' + replicate('b', 128) select parsename(@long_obj, 1)
Answer: bbbbbbbbbbb... Explanation: The reason I thought this warranted a QotD was the input to PARSENAME is of datatype sysname, which for most intents and purposes means nvarchar(128). No single object part name can be longer than 128 characters, and yet a fully qualified object can be well over 128 characters (e.g. db.schema.table.column). PARSENAME is also just a handy function for extracting the nth part of a delimited string in certain circumstances, but the question is what happens if you pass in a string which is longer than the supposed 128 character limit sysname enforces? The answer? (thankfully) nothing! As one would hope from a function designed to parse fully qualified object names, you can safely pass in as many characters as constitutes a legal object name (up to 128 per part, plus delimiters, and quoting characters). The only caveat is that no name part can exceed 128 characters). So you can't use it to parse arbitrary length delimited strings, just string isomorphic to an object identifier. Ref: PARSENAME - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/parsename-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15 |
Database Pros Who Need Your Help |
Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums. |
SQL Server 2017 - Development |
Programmatically create SSRS report as PDF - I would really appreciate some guidance on how to get vb code working in a SSRS report. Please refer vb code at end of posting. The code has been added to Custom Code (Report Properties, Code) and the code is called from a Text Box expression in the report. I have created a SSRS Data […] |
How to check if a particular table is being used right now? - I am completing an SP that will do massive deletes based on certain criteria from a dozen of tables. On average each table is tens of millions of rows, no permanent or tuned indexes on it (it is a staging-swap kind of tables, temporary transactional data holders) but occasionally heavy selects can be run against […] |
Running Total - I have a table that captures rainfall data approx every 10 minutes. I want to calculate a sort of a running total of the Last Hour's Rainfall and the Last 8 Hours Rainfall by Time. Last Hour's Rainfall = Sum(PrecipitationAmount) for the previous 60 minutes (PrecipitationMinutes is the number of minutes over which the PrecipitationAmount […] |
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL |
Need some help getting info of people logged in, but from the POV of NON-Sysadm - I modified a proc that returns a result set of all user emails to the application in question, with one column that displays a sundial if that user is logged in. I did this by doing a left outer join to sys.dm_exec_sessions Left join sys.dm_exec_sessions b on login_name = Su.name and program_name like ' |
I was asked to get rid of this Dynamic SQL for performance purposes. - Is it REALLY possible to bypass the @Where_Clause variable and make the below SQL non-dynamic? This is a statement from an SP that receives the below 5 parameters and dynamically builds the WHERE clause from them. I don't think it is possible NOT TO USE DYNAMIC SQL HERE, but double-checking with you guys. Thanks. -- […] |
Need explanation for below query what it does - @Date1 = '20150630' DATEADD(m,6, @Date1) < DATEADD(m,-12,GETDATE()) Ignore this, i got the answer after validating. |
Administration - SQL Server 2014 |
SQl Stored Procedure - View Tuning - Hi, We have a stored procedure which calling view which contains bunch of tables in sql 2014 and 2017 and it's slow. View contains roughly 100K records. I was looking view and based on joins and where clause i have created index but nothing gain as performance it's same. I tried following: Created Index based […] |
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL |
Concatenating to a string - I am trying to concatenate values into one string value and what i have so far is progress, but I want to encapsulate my variables with single quotes. The below gives me e.g. Karen,Cox,Oakland,MN,95573 when what I need is 'Karen','Cox','Oakland','MN','95573': p.firstname + ',' + p.lastname + ',' + i.city + ',' + t.stateAbbrveation + ',' […] |
SQL Server 2019 - Administration |
Gauging Performance Improvement after removing the unused indexes - Hi All, Removed some of the unused indexes. But, how to identify the performance improvement? Is there anyway to generate any metrics and giving that the managers? Regards |
SQL Server 2019 - Development |
PowerBI Report Builder - can it use/declare variables? - In SSRS, creating your own variables for use within your report is trivial... did MSFT leave this out of PowerBI Report Builder? In SSRS, I could create a dataset, and create a variable, and set the value using an aggregate for example (like a count of records in a dataset). I'm trying to do the […] |
Ensuring a randomly generated number is always 8 digits - Hi there I have inherited a piece of code which generates an Activation Code based on a seeded value as follows select cast (round(rand(31303258 * rand(DATEPART(millisecond,GETDATE()))) * 100000000,0) as int) where 31303258 is the seed or another 8 digit number Now what I have noticed is that not all the time, a 8 […] |
Reporting Services |
Programmatically create SSRS report as PDF - I would appreciate some guidance on how to get vb code working in a SSRS report. Please refer vb code at end of posting. The code has been added to Custom Code (Report Properties, Code) and the code is called from a Text Box expression in the report. I have created a SSRS Data Source […] |
SSRS 2016 |
SSRS 2016 - force page break - Hello, How it is possible to dynamically force a page break? for example: if the final page is on pagenumber say number 9 then have a page break before this page? Thank you |
Integration Services |
View package that has been deployed - First an explanation just to see if I am going about this the right way I have a package that i've created using VS 2017 If run it from VS2107 i.e. locally, it works fine I've created a SQL Agent job Now, if I deploy it via SSMS i.e. through deploy project in […] |
SSIS & Azure SQL database - Hi , I have an on-premise SSIS package which connects to SQL Server database(Source). On connecting source using onpremise SSIS need to connect Azure SQL database , after connecting Azure SQL database need to truncate the stage table first and insert the source data. On success of source data to destination table (stage table), need […] |
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