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Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist)
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IN THIS ISSUE - For Everyone: (1) Today's Inspiration, (2) There's Only One Of Us, (3) Is There Hope For Meniere's Disease, (4) Can I Heal My A-Fib And Lyme Disease?, (5) NEED MORE HELP?

For OEFT Course Members - ADVANCED: (1) Our next Webinar, (2) Our previous Webinar recording is now available, (3) Sheri Baker's Requested Orientation, (4) Who Will I Be When I Stop Hurting?, (5) Practice group reminder.


Today's Inspiration: Listen as Carl Sagan, astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist and astrobiologist narraties his “humanity message” from his “Pale Blue Dot” book. The beginning is from space looking back at the earth as the Voyageur spacecraft took pictures of it in the 90’s.

It is beautiful (beauty in his words AND the pictures that have been added). Further, it adds perspective to the grandiosity we erroneously assign to many seemingly important events in our lives. There is great freedom in letting go of those illusions and resting gently in the arms of the bigger picture (The Unseen Therapist).

Gratitude to Judy Whitcraft for submitting it. Watch video 


From Our Stairway To Miracles Archives...

There's Only One Of Us

"We must recognize what quantum physics and countless people with Near Death Experiences and spiritual encounters like mine are clearly telling us."

Two Worlds: As we journey up The Stairway to Miracles, we discover two Worlds: The World Within Our Senses and The World Beyond Our Senses. Our goal is to gradually shift from the first World to the second where multitudes of new doors open and old, limiting beliefs fade. 

The World Within Our Senses is like a prison. It keeps us contained within the erroneous notion that there are billions of us inhabiting this planet and all of us are unique. Even identical twins look slightly different and vary in their beliefs, decisions, preferences and so on. Even though we are learning that this is a mirage, it is so compelling that we must compensate for it in our daily lives.  Accordingly, almost every decision we make is influenced by how this World, and the imaginary people in it, will respond.

But our goal is to see beyond that. We must recognize what quantum physics and countless people with Near Death Experiences and spiritual encounters like mine are clearly telling us, i.e. that there is no separation and thus there is only One of us. To do so, requires that we perceive ALL other people as joined with us in the ultra-loving state of The World Beyond Our Senses. No differences whatsoever. Love makes no distinctions. Again, all of this comes into focus as we ascend The Stairway to Miracles.

Now let's explore this Oneness notion and lay out some of its features... Read more


Is There Hope for Meniere's Disease?

Question: Hi Gary. You've probably figured why I'm writing in. EFT offered me hope where none other did. But I'm obviously not doing it right because this dreadful Miniere's Disease keeps putting up roadblocks in my life. What am I doing wrong? I've tried tapping on the symptoms, the emotions. I did uncover loads of crap which brought a lot of anxiety to the surface but this one still eludes me. Needless to say, my life is turned into one big challenge. Any suggestions?

PS : Thank you for the gift of hope Gary, many a times that's all it takes to pull us from darkness towards the light.

Answer: As you may know, I am not a doctor. Rather, I am a Stanford trained engineer who looks at our health dilemmas through much different glasses. To me, if you wish to properly address any disease, including Meniere's Disease, you must aim your remedy at the true CAUSE of that ailment... Read more


Can I Heal My A-Fib And Lyme Disease?

Question: Hello, I believe I can heal My A-Fib and Lyme Disease but need some support and encouragement that I am going about it the right way.

Answer: I, too, believe you can heal A-Fib, Lyme Disease and any other physical ailment you manifest. For your perusal, an example of quality results for A-Fib is one our "Impossible" Healings at... Read more



1. Read my  free e-book, The Unseen Therapist, for a solid understanding of our latest advancement, Optimal EFT.

2. Join our  Optimal EFT Course Membership for professionals and self-help students. Taught by me. ln-depth work. Credentials. Touch the World.

3. Become certified through our top-level  Complete EFT Certification program. Enter the upper echelons of the world's most effective healing professionals.

4. Engage one of our highly trained, certified,  Official EFT Practitioners.

5. For more info please visit  The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Centers.



For the Optimal EFT Course Membership

(a paid facility for professionals and self-help students)

Details and pricing for this Membership

Our next Webinar: It will be on Sunday, February 16, 2020, at 10am Pacific time. It will be dedicated to Members' questions/comments about our Advanced Lessons, Self-Help Sessions, Challenging cases, personal uses or anything else that will help us climb our Stairway to Miracles.

This is where you get live support from me and immerse yourself in both our OEFT process and The Unseen Therapist. Lively exchanges. Entertaining, Highly informative. Customized to you.


Our previous Webinar recording is now available: It featured an innovative "See this-do that" approach to specific events. Well received. Many accolades. To access it just login to your OEFT Membership Account and, in the menu, click/tap on Recorded Webinars>Webinars 2017 and After>Webinars 76-105>#82-See this-do that exercise.

Here are the topics of interest...

0:00:00 Gary opens Webinar. Sheri provides an orientation.
0:04:28 Gary and Gabrielle discuss the Coronavirus and its relation to our beliefs.
0:23:55 Gary has some insightful and humorous thoughts about today's American SuperBowl event.
0:26:30 Taye and Gary discuss Taye's creative use of our Grand Ballroom exercise during one of her OEFT practice groups.
0:37:09 Gary discusses some email inputs that evidence people's challenges using The Unseen Therapist. These are lead-ins to today's specific events exercise and emphasize the importance of ALLOWING The Unseen Therapist to do her job rather than overriding her work with our expectations. Gary relates this to the advantages built within our Immerse-ucation process. Sheri comments.
0:50:51 Gary conducts an innovative approach to specific events which he labels "See this… do that." It borrows from the advertising industry proves to be impressively successful within our process. He applies it to Judith and the entire audience. Sheri and Gabrielle comment.
1:32:01 Gary, Sheri and Gabrielle sign off.

And here are some of the comments about it...

--This was amazing; my specific event has faded so much I cannot bring it to mind now. From 9 to 0.

--I felt the emotional charge clear immediately.

--My number went from 9 to 1.

--From 8 to 2.

--In each repetition of viewing my event I saw the scene from the different perspectives of the people involved.

--I felt better and better each time.

--New stuff came up for me to work further.

--Thank you, Gary. Wonderful.

Finally, here are some statistical results from our poll after the exercise...

93.3% achieved a noticeable improvement.

55.6% achieved improvements in the 76-100% range.

More to come.


Sheri Baker's Requested Orientation

Sheri Baker often gives an inspirational orientation before our OEFT Member Webinars. A recent one was requested as a stand alone item in the Membership section of our website. To access it login to your OEFT Membership Account and, in the menu, click/tap on Tips, Hints & More>Sheri Baker's 2-2-2020 Webinar orientation.


Who Will I Be When I Stop Hurting?

Question: I am so ready to stop hurting and help others stop hurting, but all the defense mechanisms seem like old and loyal friends sometimes.

Who will I be when I stop hurting? Will “Margie” as I know her have to die? I am sure I am not alone in these concerns. I am very grateful—for whatever reason—that I am really ready for this. The promise of peace and freedom (which I do believe the claims for herein—and I trust you for sharing) outweigh the fears of letting go of of things I know in my heart are not really supportive of me.

Answer: Your trepidation about “Who will I be when I stop hurting?” gives voice to a very common concern--and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to address it... 

To read more, login to your OEFT Membership Account and, in the menu, tap/click on Tips, Hints & More>Who will I be when I stop hurting?


Practice Group reminder: Our practice group facility regularly offers new opportunities to improve your skills. Please check it out in the Membership section of our website.

e-hugs, Gary

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© Gary Craig 

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Gary Craig, P.O. Box 1393, Gualala, CA, 95445, United States