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Why Containers?

I've been looking at and dabbling with containers for some time. I got more interested a few years ago as I saw the changes that Microsoft made to ensure container support for SQL Server, especially with the introduction of the WSL and Linux container support on Windows. This is one of those technologies that I think fundamentally changes the world, especially when we get good orchestration options, like Kubernetes.

I was thinking about how the world changed as I read this piece with a little history of containers. It's an interesting read, and eventually gets to the point of the title, the containers have changed the world. They have, and I think they will substantially change how we think about software in the next decade as more and more applications and systems move towards using containerization.

Containers do change the idea of what we think of as a computer. It's not quite a piece of hardware and some software. Now it's just software and it can be running on all sorts of hardware, perhaps even at the same time with complex orchestration layered over a variety of hardware.

What does that mean for us data professionals? I think this will alter the SQL Server world. This image of a Big Data Cluster is the beginning, with the same architecture likely appearing for "normal" OLTP workloads over time, though likely in some managed environment. I think hybrid, Azure Arc type of architecture, where we have SQL Server containers connected together and allowing us a highly scalable data platform.

I suspect we'll have lots of other software components, communicating across networks, each in its own little container. We'll learn to build and update containers, and ensure communications between different components. I'm already seeing some uptake at Redgate in creative ways, and I suspect we'll deliver more containerized solutions, as will many others.

Containers are the future, more so than VMs, and I'd recommend you start learning something about them.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

Redgate SQL Change Automation
  Featured Contents
Stairway to SSAS Tabular

Stairway to SSAS Tabular Level 9: Security and Roles

Thomas LeBlanc from SQLServerCentral

In the ninth level of this stairway, learn how to add security to the tabular model.

SQL Server Machine Learning 2019: Working with Security Changes

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

SQL Server Machine Learning allows you to run R and Python scripts from SQL Server. When SQL Server 2019 was released, Microsoft enhanced the security for this functionality, but it caused some existing code writing to the file system to to break. In this article, Dennes Torres explains the security enhancement and describes three ways to work with it.

Free eBook: Fundamentals of SQL Server 2012 Replication

Press Release from Redgate

Fundamentals of SQL Server 2012 Replication provides a hands-on introduction to SQL Server replication. The book introduces you to the technologies that make up replication, and then walks you through setting up different replication scenarios. When you've finished reading, you should be able to implement your own multi-server replication setup while following the principle of least privilege.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - A Rose By Any Other Name

Grant Fritchey from The Scary DBA

There is only one kind of execution plan within SQL Server. I’ve said this several times on this blog. Now, I’d like you to go and read this excellent...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Beginner’s Mind

MarlonRibunal from Marlon Ribunal - SQL, Code, Coffee, etc.

 In the past years I would set out my year-ahead goals both on the personal and career fronts by looking ahead at the things I want to attain or...


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Capitalize the name

I am loading a name into a variable in Python. I will get this from a user field, but for testing I am doing this:
Username = "steve"
I want to be sure that the name is proper cased, as in Steve. Whether someone enters "steve" or "Steve" or "Steve", I want to display "Steve. What code should I use?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

The Triple Update

What happens with this code?

CREATE TABLE RaceResults ( RunnerID INT CONSTRAINT RaceResultsPK PRIMARY KEY , OverallPlace INT , PlaceInAge INT); GO INSERT INTO dbo.RaceResults (RunnerID, OverallPlace, PlaceInAge) VALUES (1, 2, 3) , (2, 2, 3) , (3, 2, 3) , (4, 2, 3); GO DECLARE @i INT; UPDATE dbo.RaceResults SET @i=OverallPlace= 1 WHERE RunnerID = 1; SELECT @i, rr.RunnerID, rr.OverallPlace, rr.PlaceInAge FROM dbo.RaceResults AS rr; GO DROP TABLE dbo.RaceResults;

Answer: Both the column value and the variable are set to 1

Explanation: An interesting T-SQL trick, discovered by Ken Fisher. Not sure where this is useful or why it's there, but if anyone uses this, let us know.

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Development
Can't find my option to run my package in my toolbar - I need help running this package of my but my run button is no where to be found.
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
SQL Agent Jobs - I have a developer who want's to run sql agent jobs as temporarily. Like create the sql agent job dynamically, run (job is very simple) and when the job completes then delete it on fly. Would you see any problems doing this way? Otherwise do you recommend any other options? Please advise?
AlwaysOn Failover Execution Cache - Hello I would like to know on the event of a SQL Server AlwaysOn failover, what is the effect of the query performance? How long it takes to generate the execution cache as the existing queries running in the primary node will not go to Stand by node.
Upgrading to SQL 2016 - Hi All I am upgrading from SQL 2012 Std to SQL 2016 Std. A quick question I wanted to run past you guys..... Can I take the Master & MSDB mdf's and ldf's from the new 2016 instance and replace it with the mdf's and ldf's from the 2012 instance in attempt to bring across […]
Sudden growth in mdf file - Please assist I have faced a sharp growth in the size of my primary data file on SQL Server 2016.How can I identify the cause of the issue.
Development - SQL Server 2014
Question about Default Database For a SQL Login - SQL Server 2014 (13.0.5598) PROBLEM; 5 days ago when connecting to the SQL Server that hosts (in the cloud) our database I discovered that the ALTER VIEW STATE permission had been removed and I was now being connected to a different database by default then the one I had been for the last 9 months […]
SQL 2012 - General
How to do the following trace one a database server and on a table? - I have some troubles in doing following trace, thanks for kind help! 1. aside from opening SQL profile or extended event, How to monitor or trace who and when logining SQL server ? 2. How to know/trace who and when excecuting insert?update or delete or select statement on one table?
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
input character string does not follow style 112, either change the input ch - Hi, I'm getting an obscure issue when when I run this SQL statement SELECT  TOP 1 S_Date from tbl_name order by RowID I get  this error message : Msg 9807, Level 16, State 0, Line 1 The input character string does not follow style 112, either change the input character string or use a different […]
View Dependencies - I have SQL Server 2012 and running the following query. THe results do not include all dependencies. I have a stored proc that calls a view, but that does notshwo up. How do I get full dependency list? SELECT ReferencingObjectType = o1.type, ReferencingObjectName = o1.type_desc, ReferencingObject = SCHEMA_NAME(o1.schema_id)+'.', ReferencedObject = SCHEMA_NAME(o2.schema_id)+'.'+ed.referenced_entity_name, ReferencedObjectType = o2.type, ReferencedObjectName […]
SQL Server 2008 Performance Tuning
Insert statement hung but select works normally - I have a question thrown to me by my developers, according to them, they notice that on a high load SQL server, their insert jobs is taking a long time to complete however all their select statement doesn't have any impact at all as the select completed very quickly. I told them, most select statement […]
Reporting Services
SSRS 2012 Folder Settings not showing - Hello experts, We have an SSRS 2012 instance. Due to organization policy, I need to connect to the Report Manager using RDS / Work Resources. When I connect using the Work Resources Internet Explorer, I try to click 'Folder Settings' from the Home folder to add an AD account to the permissions. However, when I […]
SSRS 2019 DB account issues - Hi, I've been having some issues trying to get a brand new SSRS install deployed.   I have setup a brand new Windows 2019 server install along with SSRS 2019. I have the SSRS DB hosted a a separate Windows 2016/SQL2017 server. I have configured SSRS to use the Virtual Network service account and am […]
Finding specific file with dynamic date - I need to find a file with a specific date in it. The problem is I never know what the date will be except "today". The date is formatted as yyyyMMddhhmm. Since it was created earlier in the day by an automated process, I need to be able to find it by ignoring the hhmm […]
Integration Services
SSIS Catalog and Github - Hello, the new environment I am working at now wants to use GitHub for version control, and SSIS for ETL, and wondering if SSIS integration catalog will work well with GitHub? or is it only going to work with SSIS by file? thanks in advance
SQL Server 2005 General Discussion
Attachments EMail - I'm having trouble trying to get my query results loaded into my excel attachment can anyone help.   DECLARE @sub VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @qry VARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @msg VARCHAR(250) DECLARE @query NVARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @query_attachment_filename NVARCHAR(520) SELECT @sub = 'DC Weekly Transfer' SELECT @msg = 'This is Just a test.' SELECT @query_attachment_filename = 'dcweekly.csv' Declare @nOrgID int = […]


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