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June 29, 2020
The Trump presidency has been a literal call to arms for excitable whites who view nonwhite people as inherent threats.
By Adam Weinstein
John Roberts Chooses Precedent Over Ideology in Latest Abortion Fight
The chief justice threads a judicial needle and hands the conservative legal movement another disappointing ruling.
By Matt Ford
The Western Origins of the “Southern Strategy”The untold story of the ideological realignment that upended the nation
By Bruce Bartlett
New Orleans’ Underpaid, Overexposed Sanitation WorkersThey earn below the minimum wage, with no benefits or sick days—amid a pandemic, no less.

By Kim Kelly
It Will Take Years to Undo the Damage from Trump’s Environmental RollbackEven if Democrats win back the White House and the Senate, it will be a long struggle to restore the regulations the Republican-controlled EPA has erased.
By Miranda Green
America Has a Secret Police ProblemThere’s a lot you don’t know about what the cops on your streets are doing—and they aim to keep it that way.
By Matt Ford
The Surprising Cross-Racial Saga of Modern Wealth InequalityWhy the “racial wealth gap” fails to explain economic inequality in black and white America
By Adolph Reed Jr.
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