September 14, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

We've got a new version of the Stansberry Venture Value pitch about cloud computing stocks to dig into today -- the ad is quite similar to the one that we covered back in February, but that turned out to lead to two stocks that are both now large positions for me, so I'm definitely curious to see what they're hinting at now -- just click below to...

Ordinary Americans are being put on ‘restriction lists', banned from using certain businesses. Expert Nick Giambruno explains this will catch people completely off-guard.

“When Americans catch wind of what's coming, the unrest we saw in the first half of 2020 will look like the ‘good old days' in the USA. Law-abiding citizens will soon have a critical decision to make."

Details here…


We started out with a refreshed look at Tom Gardner's "Double Down" stock for Motley Fool Stock Advisor... is it the same one he's been pitching for a couple years? (um, yeah)... is it still worth considering here?  Here's my take.

Then we moved up North, looking into a tease from the Motley Fool Canada -- they're talking up a small company that's "following in Shopify's footsteps," our story on that one is here.

And Michael Jorrin popped in with a Doc Gumshoe update for us, this time explaining some of the developments in COVID testing (among other things) -- click here for that one.

I also took a second look at a couple of other heavily-teased pitches this week -- the first was Dave Lashmet's anti-obesity drug being touted by Stansberry, since that ad generated a lot of new questions this week, and you can see the Thinkolator results on that obesity one here.

And the other longer-running pitch that drove a lot of questions our way this week is Paul Mampilly's "12 million mile battery", so you can see that one here if you missed it the first time around.

Then it was time for the Friday File, when I provided a few Real Money Portfolio updates and also some thoughts on "Pre-IPO" pitches (biotech and airbnb) from a couple different publishers -- if you missed that email on Friday, just click below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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