Star McDougaller Samantha:
Lost over 100 Pounds and Made a Lifestyle Change for Her Growing Family

Four years ago, when my first son was born, I was 274 pounds. I started drinking Atkins shakes and eating cheese, bacon, eggs and meat in hopes to lose the massive recent weight gain. A few years prior, I had lost 40 pounds following a different diet. Nothing was taking the weight off this time. My doctor even suggested I was not telling the whole truth about my eating because she didn’t believe a “no/low carb diet wouldn’t do the trick”. I was even walking about 2-3 hours a day!

My heart broke and devastation ran through me when my body wasn’t producing enough milk to feed my son. I felt that formula was poison, and I had failed as a mother. I knew I needed to make a change. I immediately began to look for the healthiest diet on the planet. Using formula would only be for one year and I vowed to make sure he ate health promoting foods from there on out. Childhood diabetes was my biggest fear for my baby’s future, and all of the research I read and watched showed that parents must lead by example, which meant I had to make the change too. 

When the Starch Solution popped up on Instagram I laughed and thought it was too good to be true. Eat my favorite foods and lose weight? Nothing else had worked so I figured I would give it a try. Within two weeks, 12 days to be exact, I had lost about 10 pounds, my post baby depression was finally lifting and I began to feel like myself again. Four years and a second child later, I am still 100 pounds lighter. My weight gain for baby number two was only 20 pounds and that came off two months after he was born.

Click Here to Read Samantha's Full Story
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