The picture burning in my hand was taken on my 41st birthday, exactly 2 years ago. Last time I sent an update I weighed 200 pounds. I now weigh 170. That’s a total of 145 pounds lost in the last two years, and a total of 83 pounds lost since I attended the McDougall Immersion in October last year. (My final weigh-in was 253 there.) My blood pressure remains perfectly normal without medication, and my cholesterol has stayed low. I’m now starting to build muscle in places I’ve never seen my entire life. I perfected a home workout routine since the pandemic began so I don’t have to go to the gym at all anymore, mostly using tools and techniques I learned about during your program. I have given myself the best birthday gift that anyone could possibly give me. I’m a better husband, a better son, a better employee, a better friend. These changes not only give me physical wellness but mental wellness as well, and allow me to give more energy to all the things that matter most in my life. So once again, my gratitude for everything all of you taught me is immense. I cannot possibly thank you enough for giving me the tools to succeed at this. With lots of love and thanks, Jason |