Go traditional? Self-Publish? Unsure? Get the answers you need at WDC!
Go traditional? Self-Publish? Unsure? Get the answers you need at WDC!
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Stay on top of your publishing game at #WDC17!
Writer's Digest Annual Conference | August 18-20 | New York City
Register by August 17 for Your Best Rate
No matter the stage of your writing career, staying up to date on current publishing trends is key. In some cases, having the right strategy can be just as important as getting the words down on paper. The Writer’s Digest Annual Conference offers plenty of opportunities to get in touch with both the craft and business sides of writing.

Our publishing-focused sessions include:

  The Pros & Cons of Amazon Publishing
Join author Catherine McKenzie as she shares her experiences working with Amazon, and tells you what you can expect.

  Panel: Is Self-Publishing the Path for You?
What makes for a successful indie? For whom is it the right choice? Let’s talk pros and cons with a panel who knows from experience!

  Paths to Publishing: Book Packagers and IP
These days, independent publishing is everywhere, and that translates to big opportunities for smart writers. Learn the Who, What, Where, When and (perhaps most importantly) the Why of IP and book packaging—whether you’re just starting out or a veteran.

  Best in Class: Self-Publishing Platforms Share Their Offerings and Advantages
In this insightful session, reps from IngramSpark, BookBaby, Wise Ink Creative Publishing and Lulu will explain their services and benefits, so that you can make the best-informed publishing choice for you.

Strategy meets inspiration this August in New York Cityjoin us to take your career to the next level!

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