CoffeeCup News

✔ Site Designer V4 is out now.

Design faster and with smarter design controls using the all-new Site Designer V4. This latest release also includes a magnitude of performance enhancements, fresh controls, plus helpful features like Device View. You'll also love the beautiful refreshed interface!

Site Designer V4

✔ Fresh Update for Web Form Builder.

All macOS users will be excited to hear that the app has been updated to 64bit. This means it will be compatible with the upcoming Catalina operating system! We also stomped out some bugs and improved compatibility with PHP 7 and MySQL > 5.5.

✔ SSL Certificates Available for S-Drive Subscribers.

Add the power of SSL security for domains hosted on our S-Drive servers. This feature protects your sensitive data as it travels across the internet. Other providers typically charge bigs bucks for this feature, but it is 100% free for all paid S-Drive subscribers.

Useful Tutorials


Nested Bootstrap Menu

Cook up an adaptable dropdown navigation menu with Bootstrap that expands for wide screens and converts to a hamburger mobile menu for small ones.

Get Started

Off-Canvas Navigation

Build a menu that only appears when the user wants to see it. When the icon is clicked, it will trigger the navigation menu to slide onto the screen from off canvas.

Learn How

Cool Freebies


Orbit Photo Gallery Component

Watch a video showing you how to create an interactive photo gallery called an 'Orbit' using Foundation. Or just grab the complimentary component to use in your projects.

Check it out


Download the Scroll Portfolio Theme

Display your work in this extraordinary personal portfolio template. It is perfect for web designers, agencies, freelancers, or photographers who have a collection of projects to showcase.

Download Now