
Special From Acronis

Staying ahead of the security curve: MSPs are poised for explosive growth as we all press onward into an increasingly connected future, but the challenges are real. Effective protection for your clients' essential data - and your own - has become a much more complex job in recent years.

An integrated cyber protection platform (like Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud) makes it easier to deliver backup, security, disaster recovery and more without protection gaps or unwieldly management demands - but it's partnerships with trusted experts that will truly keep you ahead of the curve. Here are some resources to help you lead the way in cyber protection over the coming year:

Article - The cost of ransomware: Why every business pays, one way or another.The financial significance of ransomware attacks goes well beyond ransom payments. Even victims who refuse to pay up will incur substantial expenses and lost revenue - recovery costs, permanent data loss, trade secret exposure and reputational harm are just some of the possibilities.

E-book - The essential guide to pricing and packaging security services. Cybersecurity is one of the most omnipresent concerns in the digital world, as cyberattacks continue to grow in complexity and volume. The demand for managed security services poses a unique opportunity for service providers. In this e-book, Larry Walsh of The 2112 Group shows the advantages of a unified approach to data protection, cybersecurity, and endpoint protection capabilities - and how this integration can help MSPs to build out new recurring revenue streams.

Case study - Quick Intelligence partners with Acronis for better email security. Quick Intelligence is a leading provider of IT services related to data management, infrastructure, cloud and security. Hear Chief Security Officer Dave Millier talk about the many benefits his company has achieved using the Advanced Email Security pack with Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud - and how these solutions have improved customers' cybersecurity, too.

Video - Barbarians at the gates: The MSP's opportunity to protect local government. Government organizations are responsible for securing significant amounts of sensitive data, as well as crucial community resources. MSPs are uniquely positioned to cultivate and expand relationships with government agencies by providing robust data protection and cybersecurity solutions, helping them to navigate unique challenges like regulatory compliance guidelines.


The world needs cybersecurity. Now is the perfect time for MSPs to make the shift to providing managed security services. Read More
For the average smalltomid-sized business, ransomware is a matter of life and death. Problem is, they may not know it. Read More
Many SMBs are still unaware of the need to secure their infrastructure. Acronis shares strategies to crack this hesitation and get to 'Yes.' Read More

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