How to secure your Azure network

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InfoWorld Daily

Oct 16, 2018
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Steel yourself for the cloud hangover

Naïveté and inadequate planning have made many large enterprises unhappy about the cloud deployments and the ROI they’ve gained. But this too will pass Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

How to secure your Azure network
How Azure became the place for open source in the cloud
7 cloud services to ease machine learning
WebAssembly, JavaScript links get faster in Firefox
How to use the DbContext in Entity Framework Core

White Paper: Bitsight

How Automating Third-Party Risk Management Helps Banks and Financial Institutions Address New Regulatory Requirements

Banks & financial firms have long been aware of the need to manage risk in third-party partners & most have a formal program for managing that risk. Yet an existing thirdparty risk management (3PRM) program may not address today's increased levels of outsourcing & new regulatory requirements for cybersecurity. Together, these factors are prompting financial institutions to take a fresh look at the strengths & focus of their 3PRM strategy. Read More

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How to secure your Azure network

Connected virtual machines need the same kind of security and network management tools as your own data center Read More

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How Azure became the place for open source in the cloud

Microsoft has truly embraced open source, in a radical shift rare for a big company—and developers should be very happy Read More

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7 cloud services to ease machine learning

Build, train, tune, and deploy machine learning and deep learning models in these end-to-end machine learning clouds Read More

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WebAssembly, JavaScript links get faster in Firefox

The Firefox Nightly beta makes these calls run faster than non-in-lined JavaScript-to-JavaScript function calls Read More

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How to use the DbContext in Entity Framework Core

Take advantage of the DbContext in Entity Framework Core to connect to a database and perform CRUD operations using CLR objects Read More

White Paper: Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.

Securing Privileged Access with Hitachi ID Privileged Access Manager (PAM)

Privileged accounts, like their name suggests, are accounts designed to provide broad access to systems and data. They are an integral part of every IT infrastructure and play a key role in a large variety of day-to-day operations. Read More

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