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Quick Manufacturing News

Daily News, Analysis and Commentary
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A tentative agreement is waiting for a vote by Indiana casting plant workers seeking better working conditions and work rules.
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Explore this interactive summary to learn about the changing face of the skilled workforce and how manufacturers are addressing and filling these gaps.

Are your top people taking personal ownership, or waiting for permission to act?
Organizing campaigns see success under Biden administration.
Approaching the cybersecurity principle from an operations technology perspective
Despite a steep month-over-month drop in gas prices, the Bureau of Labor Statistics' CPI rose by 0.1% in August instead of falling as predicted.
Proven tips to help you maximize the time you spend at a safety industry event.

Attend this webinar to explore how new packaging solutions can prevent critical components from experiencing oxygen and moisture-based degradation - and enable companies to safely store products long-term.

Product Spotlight, Courtesy of NewEquipment.com