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October 3, 2022
In The Spotlight
Ford, Navistar, Unilever and Auburn football snagged the attention of the IW manufacturing audience during the past seven days.
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In this e-Book, Vector Solutions provides a comprehensive guide for manufacturers to solve workplace skills shortages, decrease costs and increase uptime through training.

IndustryWeek Editor Robert Schoenberger shares his presentation before ARMA, an organization dominated by semiconductor and other high-tech manufacturers.
Now is the time to find opportunities and plan for tax deadlines prior to year-end.
Don’t let customers throw you for a loop—be ready to answer their demands with data and a clear explanation of the market.
To offset costs of EVs, New York governor Kathy Hochul announced further funding for a rebate program for purchasers and touted advances in the state's charging infrastructure.
The largest producers of aircraft and aerospace components from the IW U.S. 500 list of largest publicly traded manufacturing companies in the country.

The digital manufacturing imperative is to accelerate transformation, drive agility, pivot around new opportunities and defend the core. Explore this resource to learn how to create a data-driven digital manufacturing business.