Plus, how to get unions and environmentalists to work together, and more...
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March 10, 2021
This Is What the Beginning of a Climate-Labor Alliance Looks Like

The PRO Act is emerging as the left's answer to a classic political tension.

By Kate Aronoff


Joe Manchin Decides Whether Biden’s Agenda Lives or Dies Is the West Virginia lawmaker peddling false hope by suggesting he’s open to filibuster reform?By Osita Nwanevu
Trophy Homes and $2.5 Million Tweets: How the Idle Rich Spent Their Pandemic Year The Covid-era mania for cryptocurrencies and digital tokens shows how bored elites have already bought everything.By Jacob Silverman
Insurrectionist in Chief How Steve Bannon led the vanguard of the Capitol riotsBy Adele M. Stan
Why Republicans Won’t Shut Up About a 16-Year-Old Bipartisan Report on Election Reform The Carter-Baker report was intended to strengthen Americans’ trust in the electoral process. Today, it’s become a favorite weapon for right-wing attacks on voting rights.By Matt Ford


The Fossil Fuel Fight Isn’t Just in Congress—It’s in Your Kitchen Some communities are cracking down on natural gas extraction and consumption. The industry is responding with all-out war.By Nick Martin
Graham Greene Against the World Has any other novelist lived a life so steeped in political intrigue?By Scott Bradfield


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