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Join us in New Orleans!
Monday, November 25, 2019

Featured Content

Join us for a focus group!

Calling all physician leaders, medical staff professionals, and credentialing professionals--We want to hear from you! Join us for a focus group call on Tuesday, December 10 at 1 p.m. EST to discuss the latest in industry news. We want to know what you're most interested in, what challenges you're currently facing, and how we can best meet your credentialing and privileging needs.

As a thank you for participating in the focus group, all callers will receive an exclusive discount code! Email Associate Editor Karla Accorto at for more information or to RSVP.

Stick to the facts in peer review disclosures

Sharing peer review information between healthcare organizations is essential to help medical staffs determine practitioners' competence and make informed privilege-granting decisions. However, medical staffs can find themselves facing legal challenges if the disclosure process is done inappropriately. Whether a medical staff adopts a policy or handles queries on an ad hoc basis, disclosures should be accurate, truthful, and factual.


CRC Member Exclusive

Tips for integrating credentialing and enrollment

As healthcare organizations continue to search for ways to reduce costs while maintaining quality, the credentialing and enrollment departments are coming to the forefront as ideal candidates for integration. Although both perform unique and distinct functions, there is significant overlap with the practitioner data and skill sets required to perform these functions.




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Contact Us

Karen Kondilis
Managing Editor
Credentialing Resource Center

35 Village Road, Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

For advertising and marketing opportunities with the Credentialing Resource Center, please email



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