May 6-7, 2017

Weekend greetings, dear reader -- what might you have missed in the week that was?  The most-requested teaser solution on the week was probably from Matt Badiali's new pitch -- he has a new newsletter called Real Wealth Strategist, and his first ad for that letter is pitching a "magic metal" that he thinks will let you earn 3,000% returns thanks to a great big discovery near the US border.  So what is it?  Just click below to.....
How to claim your first energy "rebate" check on May 15...
If you overpaid for electricity or gasoline under Obama, you can claim a monthly "rebate" check of $290 to $1,161 during Trump's presidency.
In fact, according to our research, some 117 million Americans are eligible to claim "rebate" checks.
But with the next check mailing on May 15, you'll want to hurry so you don't miss out...

And the rest of our stories this week?  I thought you'd never ask!

We see ads related to social security "secrets" or strategies all the time, but the one from Lifetime Income Report is a bit more indirect... it say you can benefit from special "social security contracts" to make more money.  So what are they really talking about?  Details in our article here.

The most-discussed pitch this week was the one from Tyler Laundon about a "$17 Battery Doubler" that he thinks will go to $34 -- this one's got some controversy to it, so make sure to read those comments following the article here.

And we also looked into one of the stocks pitched by Sean Brodrick as "Mining Titans of Tomorrow" in a quick article here.

We closed out the week with the Friday File for our Irregulars, which is again all about earnings and other news on my Real Money Portfolio stocks.  You'll find notes and updates about Shopify, Criteo, Apple, Facebook, some REITs, and even Northern Dynasty Minerals... heck, I even go into gold coins chatter mode for a moment there at the end, so there's a little for everyone.  That Friday File is here.

P.S. Our readers are always full of questions, and often you can do a better job answering them than I can... for example, a new reader wrote in asking what you would do if you were just starting out and had $900 to invest?  That reader would love to hear from you here.  And there are always other readers chiming in with questions that you might be able to help with, those new questions and discussion starters are always listed here.  Thanks for participating in our community!

Disclaimer: Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective. Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed. You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.

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