June 17-8, 2017

What did you miss in the week that was?  

In our most widely-discussed story, Dave Lashmet is selling Stansberry's Investment Advisory by using a pitch about expected hot results from an Alzheimer's Disease drug next month, at meetings he'll be attending in mid-June. Alzheimer's treatments get everyone excited, both for humanitarian and "giant piles of cash" reasons, so what's his pitch about this time?  Just click below to...

Ever heard of "event-driven investing?"  It's a strategy used by hedge funds and private equity firms to reap massive rewards in both bull and bear markets alike. The idea is simple: Find a stock with a specific catalyst like a product launch or a potential buyout offer, and cash in when it happens. But the trick is getting there first... Click here to learn which stocks are set to soar next!
And the rest of the week's fun...

We started out the week by revisiting the "one device to end all disease... and it costs less than $50" pitch from Michael Robinson... that ad ran years ago, but it has cropped up again in an updated form this week, so I dug in for a quick look in this article.  

Then it was the promise of "backdoor" cash that got readers excited -- The Wealth Advisory is promoting a "radicay way for folks to legally tap the accounts of America's top companies" to get cash profits in their hands every month... what the heck are they talking about?  That story is here.

Then it was on to silver bull David Morgan, who had an ad that was headlined "Forget Silver!" -- odd enough to catch our eye, for sure, but what he's talking about is buying a special electronics recycler instead, someone who mines circuit boards instead of ore... interesting story, look here for our take.

And I closed it out, as usual, with my Friday File for the Irregulars -- the big question on Friday was about Ernie Tremblay's new pitch for a "small Texas lab" that's about to announce a "miraculous breakthrough" in the fight against cancer on June 23.... so what's the story?  My look at that one is here.

Have a great weekend, one and all!
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