July 1-2, 2017

And so we enter the second half of the year... ready as always to don the hip waders, pinch tight our noses, and slosh our way through the pond of teaser ads that constantly refills itself here at Gumshoe HQ.  So what "secrets" do we have to reveal for you this week?  Is there any gem of wisdom or insight buried in the muck?  Time will tell, but let's catch you up on what we hosed off, wrung dry, and shared with our dear readers during this week that was.    
The ad that caught my eye first this week was the Motley Fool's pitch about their "Next Great Canadian Superbrand" ... if that sounds like it's worth a read, just click below to...
It's no secret the world faces shortages in many commodities. The world's diminishing supply of everything from cocoa to coffee... lithium to lumber... phosphate to plutonium... silver to sugar... is of great concern. But there's an even bigger and more imminent commodity shortage at hand that no one is talking about. Details here...
What else has graced our pages in this week that was?

Jim Rickards is at it again, with the force of his conviction in higher gold prices and the certainty that you'll jump at the opportunity to "own your own gold mine" in the Valley of Gold... so what's he talking about, and is it appealing?  Our look at that story is here.

We also opened up a Biotech Insider Alert teaser solution to our readers this week, since questions continue to pour in and our original piece happened to run in a Friday File a while back... still lots of queries about that "CD19 vaccine," so if your inquiring mind wants to know, just click here.

And apparently there's some "tiny startup" that just "stole $16 billion" from under Elon Musk's nose... what's the Penny Stock Millionaire teaser pitch all about?  Click here for the Thinkolator's answer and some musings from yours truly.

The Irregulars will wish to know that Dr. KSS has posted his latest article for their perusal and discussion, so that piece, titled "Oncotutorial," is now available for our favorite members here.

And, of course, the week came to a close, finally, with the Friday File -- in which I mostly provide some updated thoughts on the surging Indian travel stock in my portfolio and check in on some gold stocks... and add some "stop loss" data to the Real Money Portfolio for these jittery times.  

Have a wonderful weekend!  Stock Gumshoe will be closed for the July 4 holiday, but I should be able to share a story or two with you next week before I hit the road for a 10-day vacation.  

Disclaimer: Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective. Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed. You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.

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