Oct 7-8, 2017

Miss anything in the merry pages of Gumshoe this week?  Have no fear, I'm here to catch you up...

We started the week with a look at "Halo Fi" -- Agora's hyped up story about a new generation of satellite-provided internet that Ray Blanco thinks will deal a "death blow" to cable.  Just click below to...
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What about the rest of the week? 

I also looked into the "Gold-X" pitch made by Gerardo Del Real -- he's talking it up as the "easiest way to make 100-bagger returns on gold" without taking huge risks.  So what's he talking about?  Thinkolator results here.

Doc Gumshoe also stepped in to share his thoughts with the gang, this time about the opioid crisis and pain management -- you can see Michael's latest piece here.

On the same topic, I looked into the "Lazarus Project" pitched by Jason Stutman, a way to make the dead live again and, he says, the Greatest Medical Innovation of Our TimeClick here for that one.

Dr. KSS covered another conference this week -- he was at the MicroCap Conference in New York to see what he might learn about some more small biotech stocks, Irregulars who are interested can follow along by clicking here.

And he also hosted another conference call for participants in his discussion threads, and he put out his tear sheet about one company he talked about here.

When it came time for the Friday File for the Irregulars this week I ended up digging into the latest pitch from E.B. Tucker for The Casey Report, mostly because I was curious to see whether they were investing in one of the cobalt stocks I've already covered... and it turns out they had a couple new names for me to consider, so I took a brief look at those two.  I've also got one small buy in the portfolio this week, and an update on Shopify, among other things... Irregulars can see that piece here.


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