December 22, 2018
Dear Valued Reader,

Ready for vacation yet?  Me, too -- that was an ugly end to an ugly week in the market, and I'm pretty glad for the break as the markets close early on Monday for Christmas Eve... and Stock Gumshoe will be all but closed all next week, so you'll get a note or two wrapping up the year -- the best teasers, the most popular articles -- but our hearts and minds are pretty much on vacation already.  
We do want to catch you up if you misssed anything, though -- last week was busy, maybe something slipped through.  We started off the week with a look into Jeff Brown's "C-V2X Revolution" and his $6 "pick of the decade" stock... what's he talking about?  Just click below to...

He made a $450 million deal with Nokia... a $395 million deal with Microsoft... an $828 million deal with Cisco... and a $29.26 BILLION deal with Apple.

How did the CEO of a stock trading for just $3 do it? And just how high will the stock go as a result? The incredible story here.


And the rest of the week that was?

Jason Stutman enthralled us with tales of 1,343% gains from a "chip" that's in short supply... even though every electronic gadget needs tons of 'em -- what's he talking about?   Our story is here.

Scott Chan teased The Complete Investor by pitching is "Escape Plan" about buying only the best stocks... which is crazy, but he did tease his "perfect retirement" stock -- wanna know what that is?  I did too,Thinkolator results here.

And Doc Gumshoe popped by for another interesting update from the world of health news... his musings on puzzles regarding aspirin, ADHD, CRISPR and more are here.

It's been a busy week, to be sure -- the Irregulars already received some udpates from me with my Trade Notes about the stop losses and nibbling buys I've made, but we closed it out with a doozy of a day and the prices of some favorites are getting tempting again -- time to buy?  Time to wait?  A little of both?  Updates to my Real Money Portfolio, my big picture musings, and a few other thoughts to share in our final Friday File of 2018, which you can find below... enjoy!

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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