January 13, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

Happy weekend, Gumshoe comrades... we covered quite a few hype-tastic teaser pitches this week, miss anything?  Have no fear, we're here to catch you up before another week begins.
Where to begin?  Way back on Monday we got a load of questions about Tom Gardner's #1 pick for 2019, teased by the Motley Fool, and put the Thinkolator to work... just click below to...

“All In” Stock Buy Signal Has Beaten the Market by 6X!

This Company’s Technology Could Represent the Final Nail in the Coffin for Cable.

Get the details today


And the rest of the week that was?

We got a pitch about the "Perfect $1 Pot Stock" from Alex Koyfman, who tells us that this little company is more powerful than the federal government.   Huh?  Don't worry, we explain here.

Then it was a pitch about "Liberty Checks" and "Liberty Vouchers" -- what's that all about?  We dug into the Wyatt Research ad to get you some answers... you can see what we learned here.

Then it was Dr. Kent Moors pitching us about a $2 million startup about to reap a $7 trillion fortune... what's that all about? Our story is here.

And it's January... which means it's time to start my Annual Review -- at the start of each year I re-analyze each stock I own and publish my updated opinion.  It takes a few weeks to get to all of them, but part one is coming your way right now as the week's Friday File -- including the 5G stocks I've invested in, as well as a handful of others that had reasons to get covered this week (including a few buys and a sell).  Untold blatheration awaits you if you'll just click below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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