March 30, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

Happy weekend!  Before I catch you up on the stories you might have missed in the week that was, I do have something new to share too -- we just posted the 2019 tracking spreadsheet for teaser stocks, so you can see what we've uncovered this year and how those stocks are doing so far (spoiler alert: boringly average).  Just click below for the tracking page, or scroll on down to see what goodies you might have missed...

Of the nearly 4,500 publicly traded stocks, only 50 are worth your money. And only 8 are worth buying now.  These stocks knock it out of the park year after year after year because they’ve tapped into the 3 most powerful forces in the global economy: Addiction, necessity and monopoly.  Free video explains why.


We had a little burst of marijuana coverage to begin the week... lots of readers have been asking about that teaser pitch from Ray Blanco about his visit to a top-secret guarded facility in the Andes mountains, so that's the Thinkolator's target today... Blanco says that March 29 will be the "most profitable day" ever thanks to this "life-changing" marijuana company... so we can tell you that no, March 29 didn't mean anything (as expected), but if the company interests you otherwise just click here.

And after that we got beyond all this Canadian stuff to talk about what Matthew Carr is pitching as the #1 American pot stock -- whatever could it be?  Thinkolator's got your answer here.

In case you've been hiding under a rock, IPO enthusiasm is back -- and newsletter pitchmen are capitalizing on that with another round of "how you can get in early" ads about buying shares of the latest hot IPO through a back door.  This time it's about Lyft, which we already know was a huge hit as an IPO on Friday... but what was that "back door?"  Maybe still open?  Details here.

Thursday brought promises of saving lives as Frank Curzio's teased tech stock heralds the "End of Heart Disease!"  That sounds fabulous and profitable, right?  So what's the stock and the story?  Our take is here.

And, as usual, I closed out the week with the Friday File for our favorite people, the Stock Gumshoe Irregulars who keep the lights on and pay my princely salary -- this time it's a look at 5G, again, as well as some thoughts on Bill Ackman, and some portfolio changes (one profit taking move, one buy of a beaten-down stock), along with my usual blatheration.  Just click below for the full magilla...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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