April 13, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

Another week has come and gone... what might you have missed in the pages of Gumshoe?  
We started out looking at a pitch from Marc Lichtenfeld about a FinTech stock that he thinks can hand investors 859% gains this year... what on earth was he talking about?  Don't worry, the stock only moved about 1% this week, so you haven't missed anything sexy yet -- Just click below to...

It has already begun… Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Big Telco are in a desperate race to get this company’s new technology onto the market. What could be so big these behemoths are fighting to be first? It’s simple… Imagine connecting every device on the planet 100X faster than what’s possible today. I believe this company’s stock price could quadruple, handing early investors a tidy fortune which is why I created a special report detailing every aspect of this company and how to get in early.  You can view my full report here.

This week brought another teaser pitch claiming that a little company is about to "deliver a swift and devastating deathblow to big pharma" as it announces a huge Alzheimer's Disease breakthrough -- curious about what that "secret" stock might be?  Thinkolator answers right here.

Then we covered a couple 5G ads --the first was headlined by a long spiel about how Jeff Brown is "America's Most Arrogant Investor," which would be saying something, indeed... but the meat of the pitch is that he says he has identified a small $200 million company whose stock will surge after a critical event on April 25... so what's the story?  Our take is here.

And that inspired me to go back and check on a teaser pitch from a few weeks ago that we hadn't had a chance to cover yet -- it was from Chris Wood about a "Tiny Disruptor" stock in 5G.  You can see that one here.

Friday included a bonus article for everybody, in which I check in on a teased "insurance disruptor" stock from last month that I can't quite get out of my head.

And we also, of course, released our regular weekly Friday File for the Irregulars -- this one includes a few transactions in the Real Money Portfolio, as well as a couple updates on companies of interest, leavened with a dash of gloominess.  Just click below for that...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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