October 26, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

The most popular article this week was about one of those "this will change the world!" teasers -- the ad I wrote about hints at the number one penny stock for 2020, but also says you need to pay attention to big news coming as soon as November 7... and, of course, that this holds the cure to "man's biggest problem."  So what's this miraculous cure, and are we going to get rich in a few weeks?  Just click below to...

Tech billionaire Mark Cuban says "diversification is for idiots." Even though the Wall Street Journal and your stockbroker preach diversification, history shows the world’s greatest fortunes were built by investors who focused their attention on a handful of stocks. Video reveals why your “diversified” portfolio is exposing you to unnecessary risk and which 8 stocks could turn every $10,000 you invest into $118,000.


But wait, there's more!  Did you miss anything this week?  Let's catch you up...

This week we've got a new service to look at, Investing Whisperer from Keith Schaefer -- he's been an oil and gas guy for a long time, but is now teasing a new service by saying he has ID'd a stock that makes money from both Uber and Lyft, while being a better business... and it's downright tiny.  So what's the story about this "Next Uber?"  See the Thinkolator results here.

We also got an update from Doc Gumshoe -- he popped in to share some more thoughts and answer some more questions about Alzheimer's Disease, and it was a newsy week in that area... see Michael's new article here.

The "Hypernet" is coming soon, so sez Jeff Yastine, and he thinks it will make the internet obsolete... so which company is the "gatekeeper" that he thinks you should buy now?  Thinkolator answers here.

I also checked in quickly on the "Day Zero" teaser from Jeff Siegel -- he's at it again, this time saying that November 13, 2019 will be the most profitable day in the history of mankind... we should start off by saying that he said the same thing about March 29 and August 4, and the earth did not shake on those days, but maybe third time's a charm?  That story is here.

And finally my favorite day came around -- Fridays are for the Irregulars (my favorite people, naturally), and that means I throw my hopes and dreams into the Friday File for those folks each week.  Or, at least, some more blather about my investments and the Real Money Portfolio... this week saw a couple ugly positions closed out, but I also bought something new... hope springs eternal, just click below for the details....

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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