August 29, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

Miss anything in the world of Gumshoe?  This week the most popular article was also the first one, on Monday -- that was when I dug in to find some answers to Dan Ferris' tease about a “low risk” company that's a play on the “best business on earth”... with potential returns of 1,550%.  That sounds a bit optimistic, but there is something to do the company... just click below to...

On that day, the results of the largest 5G spectrum auction in American history are expected to be revealed.

Billions of dollars will gush into 5G networks... with many more billions to follow.

And one company has the cornerstone technology that could help make the 5G revolution possible.

September 8 is the big day.

Get the details now.


Then we were teased with something sexier -- Enrique Abeyta is pitching a tech stock that "builds the eyes" for self-driving vehicles, and he says it went public, quietly, and has the potential for 1,000% gains if you buy in before everyone knows about it.  My take on that one is here.

After that I took a quick look at a stock that our longtime readers will be very familiar with -- Nick Hodge is teasing that one of the guys who profitted from "the big short" back in 2008 is betting even bigger on "the big long" now, in the form of a huge investment in a gold mining project that he says could be the biggest in America... our story is here.

Then it was another Stansberry pitch that drove questions our way, about Dave Lashmet's 20X opportunity on a weight loss drug... curious about that one?  Thinkolator results are right here.

And as usual, Friday brought the Friday File for my favorite people, the paid-up Irregulars who keep Stock Gumshoe going.   This week it's a hodgepodge of thoughts about several companies I've been buying of late, some quarterly updates, and a few long-winded responses to reader questions... just click below for that one...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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